Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      Intermediate serial cost-sharing rules 

      Albizuri Irigoyen, Miren Iosune; Díez Sánchez, Henar ORCID; De Sarachu Campos, Amaia ORCID (Departamento de Economía Aplicada IV, UPV/EHU, 2014)
      In this paper we give a generalization of the serial cost-sharing rule defined by Moulin and Shenker (1992) for cost sharing problems. According to the serial cost sharing rule, agents with low demands of a good pay cost ...
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      Pobreza multidimensional. Un análisis en el País Vasco 

      Marín Astralaga, Jokin (2024-05-07)
      Abordar la pobreza es un desafío global que requiere de esfuerzos coordinados a nivel nacional e internacional. Se necesitan políticas y programas que promuevan la inclusión social, el desarrollo económico sostenible, ...
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      The reverse self-dual serial cost-sharing rule 

      Albizuri Irigoyen, Miren Iosune; Díez Sánchez, Henar ORCID; De Sarachu Campos, Amaia ORCID (Departamento de Economía Aplicada IV, UPV-EHU, 2012)
      In this study we define a cost sharing rule for cost sharing problems. This rule is related to the serial cost-sharing rule defined by Moulin and Shenker (1992). We give some formulas and axiomatic characterizations for ...