Now showing items 1-6 of 6

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      Banantze-axiomak eta funtzioen txertatzea 

      Indurain Torre, Iker (2017-01-09)
      [EUS] Multzo baten gainean espazio topologiko bat definitzeko, irekiak deitzen ditugun azpimultzoak erabiltzen dira. Beraz, normala da galdetzea ireki horiek propietate jakin batzuk betetzen dituzten. Horrela, neurtu ahal ...
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      CALE: Learning by Example in Mathematics with Applets in Mathematical Computational Packages 

      Martínez Fernández, Luis ORCID; Gutiérrez García, Francisco Javier; Legarreta Solaguren, Leire; Malaina Celada, Iker ORCID; Mardones Pérez, Iraide ORCID (MDPI, 2018-10-28)
      In this work we present a methodology of “learning by example” assisted by computers in the study of mathematics. We propose the use of mathematical computational packages to program applets aimed to solve mathematical ...
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      How Do We Create Experiences for Students That Connect with What They Care About? 

      Legarreta Solaguren, Leire; Gutiérrez García, Francisco Javier; Malaina Celada, Iker ORCID; Mardones Pérez, Iraide ORCID; Martínez Fernández, Luis ORCID (MDPI, 2018-10-26)
      The main aim of this work is to describe the process by which some students, participating in a teaching experiment, recreate with guidance material and personal attendance some advanced concepts at the doctoral level. ...
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      Kontradibideak topologian 

      Anton Balerdi, Elene (2017-01-10)
      [EUS] Topologia objektu matematikoen propietate kualitatiboen azterketan oinarritzen den zientzia da. Multzoen topologian sakonduko dugu oraingoan. Arlo honetan interesgarria izan ohi da propietate zehatz batzuk betetzen ...
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      Orness For Idempotent Aggregation Functions 

      Legarreta Solaguren, Leire; Lizasoain, Inmaculada; Mardones Pérez, Iraide ORCID (MDPI, 2017-09-20)
      Aggregation functions are mathematical operators that merge given data in order to obtain a global value that preserves the information given by the data as much as possible. In most practical applications, this value is ...
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      Problem-Based Teaching through Video Podcasts for Coding and Cryptography 

      Malaina Celada, Iker ORCID; Gutiérrez García, Francisco Javier; Legarreta Solaguren, Leire; Mardones Pérez, Iraide ORCID; Martínez Fernández, Luis ORCID (MDPI, 2018-10-31)
      In this work we present the development and preliminary evaluation of several problem-based video podcasts addressed to students of the subject “Coding and Cryptography”. Specifically, this experiment has been carried out ...