Browsing by Title
Now showing items 34494-34513 of 43370
QClick: Sistema móvil de Pregunta-Respuesta en el aula
(2014-07-30)El uso de las tecnologías en entornos docentes ha sido constante en los últimos años. Sin embargo, en muchos casos esta tecnología se limita a entornos de apoyo a la docencia, siendo muy popular el sistema de gestión del ... -
QoE on media deliveriy in 5G environments
(2018-09-07)5G expandirá las redes móviles con un mayor ancho de banda, menor latencia y la capacidad de proveer conectividad de forma masiva y sin fallos. Los usuarios de servicios multimedia esperan una experiencia de reproducción ... -
QoE-aren optimizaziorako indize-erregelen proposamenak sare-baliabideen esleipenerako planifikazioan
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2016)Lan honetan sakon aztertu dira erabiltzaileek hautemandako kalitatearen maximizazioa helburu duen sare-baliabideen planifikaziorako scheduling algoritmoak, beti ere sare-baliabideen esleipenean kalitate subjektiboaren ... -
QoE-Oriented Mobile Edge Service Management Leveraging SDN and NFV
(Hindawi, 2017)5G envisages a "hyperconnected society" where trillions of diverse entities could communicate with each other anywhere and at any time, some of which will demand extremely challenging performance requirements such as ... -
QoX enhancement in campus Wi-Fi networks: a machine learning approach
(2024-05-10)El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologías, junto con las crecientes exigencias de los usuarios de éstas, ha puesto en el punto de mira la gestión de la calidad de servicio (QoS) de las redes de telecomunicaciones. Por este motivo, ... -
QR kodeak eta eduki-kudeaketa eleanitza
(2014-07-30)Euskara:Gradu Amaierako Proiektu honek QR kodeak eta eduki-kudeaketa eleanitza jorratzen ditu. Hori egiteko hiru osagai nagusitan banatzen da. Batetik, QR kodeak irakurtzen dituen Android Sistema Eragilerako aplikazio ... -
QRS detektore automatikoak bihotz-geldialdietako erritmo erregularrentzat
(2018-10-31)Bat-bateko bihotz geldialdi (BBG) batengatik ematen den bat-bateko bihotz-heriotza munduko hilkortasun kausarik nagusienetakoa da. BBGaren tratamenduak bihotz-biriketako berpiztea eta desfibrilazio goiztiarra eskatzen ditu, ... -
Quadrotor team modeling and control for DLO transportation
(2016-06-24)Esta Tesis realiza una propuesta de un modelado dinámico para el transporte de sólidos lineales deformables (SLD) mediante un equipo de cuadricópteros. En este modelo intervienen tres factores: - Modelado dinámico del ... -
Qualitative analysis of a discrete-time phytoplankton–zooplankton model with Holling type-II response and toxicity
(Springer, 2021-10-09)[EN]The interaction among phytoplankton and zooplankton is one of the most important processes in ecology. Discrete-time mathematical models are commonly used for describing the dynamical properties of phytoplankton and ... -
Quality and denoising in real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging neurofeedback: A methods review
(Human Brain Mapping, 2020)Neurofeedback training using real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rtfMRI-NF) allows subjects voluntary control of localised and distributed brain activity. It has sparked increased interest as a promising ... -
Quality and Environmental Management Linkage: A Review of the Literature
(MDPI, 2018-11-21)This article presents a conceptual and empirical review of the literature related to the link between the different perspectives, models, and tools associated with Quality Management and Environmental Management. Several ... -
Quality Assurance of Potential Radioanalytical Methods for 14C in Environmental Samples
(MDPI, 2023-06-09)Today, the measurement of 14C in environmental samples is of particular interest, as it enables the assessment of the impact caused by nuclear activities and the fossil fuel industry on the environment. In order to assure ... -
Quality marks as an economic consolidation factor for rural tourism
(Instituto de Economía Aplicada a la Empresa (Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU), 2021-01-11)[EN] The economic viability of the companies is a more significant gap in rural tourism. The quality standards can be a new instrument to help consolidate rural businesses, because of its positive direct and indirect ... -
Quality of Service Aware Orchestration for Cloud-Edge Continuum Applications
(MDPI, 2022-02-23)The fast growth in the amount of connected devices with computing capabilities in the past years has enabled the emergence of a new computing layer at the Edge. Despite being resource-constrained if compared with cloud ... -
Quality of urban climate adaptation plans over time
(npj Urban Sustainability, 2023-12-01)Defining and measuring progress in adaptation are important questions for climate adaptation science, policy, and practice. Here, we assess the progress of urban adaptation planning in 327 European cities between 2005 and ... -
Quantification and compositional strategies
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2005)... -
Quantification of Biomarker Functionality Predicts Patient Outcomes
(Springer Nature, 2021-05-11)Implementation of a quantitative molecular imaging method (iFRET), which determines receptor–ligand interactions, has led to the finding that patients with a low extent of PD-1/PD-L1 interaction in metastatic NSCLC, and ... -
Quantification of Ceftaroline in Human Plasma Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Ultraviolet Detection: Application to Pharmacokinetic Studies
(MDPI, 2021-06-25)This study was conducted to develop a rapid, simple and reproducible method for the quantification of ceftaroline in plasma samples by high-performance liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV). Sample ... -
Quantification of key biological processes determining the dynamics and the assessment of the anchovy population in the Bay of Biscay: growth, reproduction, demography and natural mortality.
(2016-02-05)Growth, reproduction, demography and natural mortality determine the dynamics and assessment of fish populations. Studies on these biological characteristics of the anchovy in the Bay of Biscay are presented, along with a ... -
Quantification of methane emitted by ruminants: a review of methods
(Journal of Animal Science, 2022)The contribution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ruminant production systems varies between countries and between regions within individual countries. The appropriate quantification of GHG emissions, specifically ...