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      Combining strategies to make General Physics lectures more attractive and to improve students' performances 

      López, Gabriel Alejandro ORCID; Alonso Villanueva, Ibon ORCID; Sáenz Aguirre, Jon ORCID; Leonardo Liceranzu, Aritz; González Rojí, Santos José; González de Arrieta Martinez, Iñigo ORCID; Echániz Ariceta, Telmo ORCID; Unzueta Solozabal, Iraultza ORCID; Lafuente Bartolomé, Jon; De La Pinta Alonso, Noelia; García Goiricelaya, Peio; Martínez Perdiguero, Jesús ORCID; García de Gurtubay Galligo, Idoia ORCID (IOP Publishing, 2019-08-21)
      Going one step further in the use and impact measurement of new strategies to improve the teaching-learning process during lecturing General Physics courses, the current contribution reports the last results/observations ...