Now showing items 1-3 of 3

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      Current Status and Future Perspective on Lithium Metal Anode Production Methods 

      Acebedo, Begoña; Morant-Miñana, M.C.; Gonzalo, Elena; Ruiz de Larramendi Villanueva, Idoia; Villaverde, Aitor; Ricarte Ormazabal, Jokin; Fallarino, Lorenzo (Wiley, 2023-04)
      Lithium metal batteries (LMBs) are one of the most promising energy storage technologies that would overcome the limitations of current Li-ion batteries, based on their low density (0.534 g cm−3), low reduction potential ...
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      Fabrication and characterization of magnetic thin films and multilayers 

      Fallarino, Lorenzo (2017-01-26)
      Los objetivos principales de esta tesis han sido por un lado la fabricación de películas y multicapas magnéticas de alta calidad y con alta reproducibilidad a la nanoescala y, por otro lado, la comprensión y modelización ...
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      Spin transport enhancement by controlling the Ag growth in lateral spin valves 

      Isasa Gabilondo, Miren; Villamor Lomas, Estitxu ORCID; Fallarino, Lorenzo; Idigoras, Olatz; Suszka, Anna K.; Tollan, Cristopher; Berger, Andreas; Hueso Arroyo, Luis Eduardo; Casanova Fernández, Félix (IOP publishing, 2015-04-21)
      The role of the growth conditions onto the spin transport properties of silver (Ag) have been studied by using lateral spin valve structures. By changing the deposition conditions of Ag from polycrystalline to epitaxial ...