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      Candida albicans increases the aerobic glycolysis and activates MAPK–dependent inflammatory response of liver sinusoidal endothelial cells 

      Aparicio Fernández, Leire; Antoran Díaz, Aitziber; Areitio Beramendi, Maialen; Rodríguez Ereñaga, Oier; Martín Souto, Leire ORCID; Buldain Garriz, Idoia; Márquez Clavijo, Joana ORCID; Benedicto García, Aitor; Arteta Ruiz, Beatriz ORCID; Pellón Rodríguez, Aize; Moyes, David L.; Rementeria Ruiz, Aitor Domingo; Ramírez García, Andoni (Elsevier, 2024-05)
      The liver, and more specifically, the liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, constitute the beginning of one of the most important responses for the elimination of hematogenously disseminated Candida albicans. Therefore, we ...