160-tik 1-20 emaitza erakusten

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      A Behavioral Foundation for Models of Evolutionary Drift 

      Uriarte Ayo, José Ramón ORCID (2005-07)
      Binmore and Samuelson (1999) have shown that perturbations (drift) are crucial to study the stability properties of Nash equilibria. We contribute to this literature by providing a behavioural foundation for models of ...
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      A common axiom for classical division rules for claims problems 

      Albizuri Irigoyen, Miren Iosune; Santos López, Juan Carlos ORCID (Departamento de Economía Aplicada IV, UPV/EHU, 2015)
      In this paper we introduce a new axiom, denoted claims separability, that is satisfied by several classical division rules defined for claims problems. We characterize axiomatically the entire family of division rules that ...
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      A factor model of seasonality in stock returns 

      Gardeazabal, Javier ORCID; Regúlez Castillo, Marta ORCID (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2002)
      Most empirical evidence on stock market seasonality is based on the Dummy Variable Approach (DVA). Typically, the DVA leaves too much variability of stock returns unexplained and inference usually leads to weak or null ...
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      A Fundamental Contradiction in Keynes' Conception of Income 

      Ormazabal Sánchez, Kepa Mirena ORCID (2003-02)
      I contend that Keynes provides two contradictory definitions of aggregate income. According to the first definition, which is the dominant in Keynes as well as the standard in current Macroeconomics, the full value of ...
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      A Game-Theoreteic Analysis of Minority Language Use in Multilingual Societies 

      Uriarte Ayo, José Ramón ORCID (Departamento Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, 2015-10)
      This chapter studies multilingual democratic societies with highly developed economies. These societies are assumed to have two languages with official status: language A, spoken by every individual, and language B, spoken ...
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      A Marginalist Model of Network Formation 

      Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID; Valenciano Llovera, Federico ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2016-08-18)
      We develop a network-formation model where the quality of a link depends on the amount invested in it and is determined by a link-formation "technology" , an increasing strictly concave function which is the only exogenous ...
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      A monotonic core concept for convex games: The SD-prenucleolus 

      Arin Aguirre, Francisco Javier; Katsev, Ilya (Departamento de Fundamentos dle Análisis Económico I, 2013-02-26)
      We prove that the SD-prenucleolus satisfies monotonicity in the class of convex games. The SD-prenucleolus is thus the only known continuous core concept that satisfies monotonicity for convex games. We also prove that for ...
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      A new solution for the roommate problem: The Q-stable matchings 

      Biró, Péter; Iñarra García, María Elena ORCID; Molis Bañales, Elena (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, 2014-09-16)
      The aim of this paper is to propose a new solution for the roommate problem with strict preferences. We introduce the solution of maximum irreversibility and consider almost stable matchings (Abraham et al. [2])and maximum ...
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      A noncooperative view on two consistent aiport cost sharing rules 

      Arin Aguirre, Francisco Javier; Iñarra García, María Elena ORCID; Luquin, Paloma (2006-07)
      This paper provides a noncooperative understanding of the nucleolus and the egalitarian allocation for airport cost problems. We find that every Nash equilibrium of the noncooperative game has the nucleolus as outcome while ...
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      A note on bargaining power and managerial delegation in multimarket oligopolies 

      Ciarreta Antuñano, Aitor ORCID; García Enríquez, Javier ORCID; Gutiérrez Hita, Carlos (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2012-11)
      In a two-stage delegation game model with Nash bargaining between a manager and an owner, an equivalence result is found between this game and Fershtman and Judd's strategic delegation game (Fershtman and Judd, 1987). ...
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      A note on collusion sustainability with optimal punishments and detection lags 

      Ciarreta Antuñano, Aitor ORCID; Gutiérrez Hita, Carlos (University of the Basque Country, Department of Foundations of Economic Analysis II, 2008-09)
      In this note we characterize optimal punishments with detection lags when the market consists of n oligopolistic firms. We extend a previous note by Colombo and Labrecciosa (2006) [Colombo, L., and Labrecciosa, P., 2006. ...
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      A note on Lopez-Hernandez procedure: New non-hierarchical algorithms in classification of data 

      Garín Martín, María Araceli ORCID (2000-03)
      [EN] In this short note, we make a critique about the procedure developed in the Inductive Algorithm in the Objects of Lopez-Hernandez (1997). It is well known that the determination of maximal cliques in a graph is an ...
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      A note on the implementation of the BFC-MSMIP algorithm in C++ by using COIN-OR as an optimization engine 

      Escudero Bueno, Laureano F.; Garín Martín, María Araceli ORCID; Merino Maestre, María ORCID; Pérez Sainz de Rozas, Gloria ORCID (2010)
      The aim of this technical report is to present some detailed explanations in order to help to understand and use the algorithm Branch and Fix Coordination for solving MultiStage Mixed Integer Problems (BFC- MSMIP). We have ...
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      A Note on Wavelet Correlation and Cointegration 

      Fernández Macho, Francisco Javier ORCID (2013-11)
      In a recent paper Leong-Huang:2010 {Journal of Applied Statistics 37, 215–233} proposed a wavelet-correlation-based approach to test for cointegration between two time series. However, correlation and cointegration are ...
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      A potential approach to claims problems 

      Albizuri Irigoyen, Miren Iosune; Santos López, Juan Carlos ORCID (Departamento de Economía Aplicada IV, UPV/EHU, 2015)
      Hart and Mas Colell (1989) introduce the potential function for cooperative TU games. In this paper, we extend this approach to claims problems, also known as bankruptcy or rationing problems. We show that for appropriate ...
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      A Semiparametric Estimation of Liquidity Effects on Option Pricing 

      Ferreira García, María Eva ORCID; Gago, Mónica; Rubio Irigoyen, Gonzalo (1999-09)
      This paper proposes a semiparametric option pricing model with liquidity, as proxied by the relative bid-ask spread. The nonparametric volatility function with liquidity as an explanatory variable is estimated using the ...
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      A time varying coefficient model for panel data: Foreign Direct Investment in European OECD countries 

      Mariel Chladkova, Petr ORCID; Orbe Mandaluniz, Susan; Rodríguez González, Carlos ORCID (2007-04)
      The present article reexamines some of the issues regarding the Knowledge-Capital Model that encompasses both horizontal and vertical Foreign Direct Investment described in detail in the literature. The empirical support ...
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      A Unifying model of strategic network formation 

      Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID; Valenciano Llovera, Federico ORCID (Departamento de Fundamentos del Análisis Económico I, UPV/EHU, 2015-02-17)
      We provide a model that merges two basic models of strategic network formation and incorporates them as extreme cases: Jackson and Wolinsky' s connections model based on bilateral formation of links, and Bala and Goyal' s ...
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      Absorbing Sets in Coalitional Systems 

      Iñarra García, María Elena ORCID; Kuipers, Jerome; Olaizola Ortega, María Norma ORCID (2001-12)
      The purpose of this paper is twofold: First, to present an approach and a solution for analyzing the stability of coalition structures: We define a coalitional system (a set and a binary relation on that set) that explains ...
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      Admissible Hierachic Sets 

      Iñarra García, María Elena ORCID; Larrea Jaurrieta, María Concepción ORCID (2005-05)
      In this paper we present a solution concept for abstract systems called the admissible hierarchic set. The solution we propose is a refinement of the hierarchic solution, a generalization of the von Neumann and Morgenstern ...