Now showing items 1-10 of 30
¿Para qué impactos climáticos se preparan las ciudades españolas?
(Ekonomiaz: Revista Vasca De Economía, 2020)
Cities play an important role in identifying climate impacts on population, urbanization and infrastructure, and in making decisions regarding how, how much and when we should adapt. We present here an analysis of the ...
Isótopos de Neodimio y Estroncio como indicadores del área fuente del material terrígeno depositado en el NE de Brasil
(Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana, 2018)
This study investigates the sedimentary origin of materials deposited by the Amazon River over the last 30 kyr BP and reconstructs the precipitation pattern of the source area at the time of the erosion. For this purpose, ...
Presión antrópica sobre cuencas de drenaje en ecosistemas frágiles: variaciones en las existencias (stock) de carbono orgánico asociadas a cambios morfológicos fluviales
(Universidad de La Rioja, 2019)
Anthropic changes in the drainage area of catchments can influence dominant erosion processes and sediment sources and mobilize specific carbon pools. It also causes changes in the sedimentary dynamics and thus in the ...
Democratizing Energy, Energizing Democracy: Central Dimensions Surfacing in the Debate
(Frontiers in Energy Research, 2020)
This perspective piece sets out to contribute to the academic and practitioner debates around energy transitions and democracy initiatives in the age of a climate crisis. For tackling present-day energy challenges in a ...
The role of the European small ruminant dairy sector in stabilising global temperatures: Lessons from GWP* warming-equivalent emission metrics
Recent calls advocate that a huge reduction in the consumption of animal products (including dairy) is essential to mitigate climate change and stabilise global warming below the 1.5 and 2°C targets. The Paris Agreement ...
Impactos y adaptación al cambio climático en rumiantes
(ITEA-Informacion Tecnica Economica Agraria, 2020)
Climate change will affect ruminant systems through direct effects on animal performance, and indirect effects on pasture and forage availability. As impacts will be very unequal amongst different regions and production ...
Estimation of the significance of the Foster's wavelet spectrum by means of the permutation test, and applications to paleoclimate records
(Instituto Geologico y Minero de Espana, 2018)
Here we propose a permutation test-a non-parametric computing-intensive test-to evaluate the statistical significance of the Foster s wavelet spectrum by means of Monte Carlo simulations. A procedure (algorithm) is introduced ...
Efectos en el medio rural de la energía solar y bioenergética en los escenarios de descarbonización de España para 2050
(Papeles de energía, 2020)
En un futuro descarbonizado en España, el papel de la energía solar y la bioenergía requiere una ocupación de la tierra, con impactos negativos y positivos para las zonas más rurales del país.
What climatic impacts are Spanish cities preparing for?
(Ekonomiaz, 2020)
Cities play an important role in identifying climate impacts on population, urbanization and infrastructure, and in making decisions regarding how, how much and when we should adapt. We present here an analysis of the ...
Análisis de impacto del Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima PNIEC 2021-2030 de España
(Papeles de Economía Española, 2020)
Este artículo recoge un análisis del impacto del borrador del Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima (PNIEC) 2021-2030 de España, cuyo objetivo central es reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) un ...