Browsing Tesis de Master by Title
Now showing items 783-802 of 1211
Labor market transitions and the emancipation of young people
(2022)Youth emancipation is defined as the state of independence that young people achieve when they have a job and can afford housing independent of their parents. In the last decade, Spain shows a growing number of young people ... -
Labour Statistics vs. Static Word Embeddings: a Comparison of Gender Bias
(2023-06-30)This project explores the relation between labour statistics information and three language models: GloVe, word2vec and fastText, in both English and Spanish. The aim is to see what differs in reality versus word embedding ... -
Lanbide heziketako irakasleen prestakuntza konpetentziak garatzeko metodologietan: Ikaskuntza Agertoki Berriak esperientziaren azterketa
(2016-06-06)[EU]XX. mendearen azken bi hamarkadetatik hona jendartean gertatu diren aldaketek, Lanbide Heziketaren (lan merkatura bideratzeko langileen prestakuntza oinarri duen heziketaren epe gisara ulertuta) planteamendua birpentsatu ... -
Large Scale Immersive Holograms with Microsoft Hololens
(2019-12-04)Inglés: This project focuses on the premise of researching whether or not a Large Scale Immersive Hologram based off a 3D model obtained via LIDAR scanner technology is viable to be deployed, currently or in future ... -
Laser polishing and structuring by laser remelting of 1.2379+
(2016-12-21)The objective of this project is the development of laser polishing (micro laser polishing with pulsed laser radiation and macro laser polishing using cw laser radiation) and laser structuring by remelting process for ... -
Law in police culture: a study on how interaction with legal institutions shapes the occupational culture of Brazil’s military polices
(2023-12-21)This master’s thesis aims to explore, by means of an empirical study, the ways in which contact with law, legal institutions and legal actors acts as a molding factor for police culture in the context of Brazil’s Military ... -
Learning Latin in Late Anglo-Saxon England: Evidence from the Colloquies
(2022-11-16)[EN] Ælfric of Eynsham was a Benedictine monk who lived and taught Latin in tenth- and eleventh-century England. He wrote his Colloquy in order for his pupils to practise their oral skills while acquiring specific vocabulary, ... -
Leioako Udondo polikiroldegia. Leioa (Bizkaia)
(2017-07)Leioan hainbat kirol instalazio daude Leioako udalaren eskutik, baina polikiroldegi bezala, soilik Sakonetako polikiroldegia hartu dezakegu, besteak instalazio bakarra baitute funtsean. Esan bezala, polikiroldegi honek ... -
Lekuzko adposizioak hizpide, etxetik fakultatera bidean
(2024-10-24)MAL honek lekuzko adposizioak aztertzea du helburu eta hiru ardatz nagusitan oinarritzen da. Lehenik eta behin, lekuzko adposizioen hierarkia aztertzeko, Nanosintaxiari dagokion azterbidea jorratzen dut (Svenonius 2004) ... -
Lerroak irekiz, sakontzen erroak. Azpeitia (Gipuzkoa): Zelai Luzeko eraikinen birmoldaketa euskara eta turismoa uztartzeko Azpeitian
(2019-07)ANALISI HISTORIKOA Historia aldetik egin den analisian, ikus daiteke presentzia handia izan duela eremuak kokapen aldetik, bai komentu eta baita industria dela-eta. Orain, ordea, bi erabilerak geldirik ala ia geldirik ... -
Life cycle assessment of mechanical plastic recycling processes
(2023-09-07)Since the advent of plastics in industry and in our daily lives, plastic pollution has caused significant damage to ecosystems and human health. As a result of economic and population growth, the use of plastics and the ... -
LiMn2-xGexO4 como material catódico para baterías de ión-litio
(2015-10-02)[Spa] En el trabajo presentado a continuación se ha llevado a cabo las síntesis del compuesto LiMn2-xGexO4 (x=0; 0.05; 0.1; 0.15; 0.2) vía liofilización. Mediante este proceso de síntesis se ha conseguido reducir a escala ... -
Line-of-Balance scheduling method - Analysis of LOB scheduling method
(2019-07-26)Analysis of the Line-of-Balance (LOB) project scheduling method usel for the scheduling of projects of repetitive nature. The acceleration method of projects using LOB is developed and analyzed. The TFM is written in English. -
Linfedema y lipedema en mujeres: una intervención psicológica grupal
(2023-07-04)[ES] El linfedema y/o el lipedema son dos patologías padecidas en su gran mayoría por mujeres. En numerosas ocasiones el diagnóstico no se realiza o puede ser erróneo hasta que el trastorno ha evolucionado irreversiblemente. ... -
Lithium-ion battery remaining useful life prediction
(2022-12-23)Lithium-Ion Battery Remaining Useful Life Prediction work consists of an initial approach to battery life prediction using Severson dataset and data-driven LSTM-based RUL predictive methods. Although the memory is ... -
Loki-lobuluko epilepsiaren animalia-eredu batean hipokanpo mailan gertatzen diren aldaketak: hipokanpoaren mendeko portaerak, endokannabinoide sistema eta astrozitoak
(2023-04-05)[EU] Ikerketa honen helburua, alde batetik, loki-lobuluko epilepsiaren animalia-eredu batean hipokanpoaren mendekoak diren portaeren aldaketak aztertzea da. Horrela, oroimenean eta habia egiteko gaitasunean dituen eraginak ... -
Looking for Net Zero Districts: The case of Port District of Seville
(2023-02-15)[EN]Current climate situation, together with the politics driven by the European Union have inspired the development of Net Zero Districts. This document presents an alternative and economic analysis of a hybrid (PV/Wind ... -
Low Carbon Shipping-An Analysis of the Effectiveness of 'Slow Steaming' on Merchant Ships
(2019-07-26)This dissertation purports to analyse the effectiveness of the 'Slow Steaming' technique on merchant ships, determining its economic and environmental impact. To this effect, databases such as Scopus and WoS (Web of Science) ...