Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Implementing interaction and cooperative learning in the foreign language classroom: effects on students’ learning
[EN] This paper focuses on the possible benefits of interaction and cooperative learning in the foreign language acquisition process. In this research, the participants were 24 students enrolled in the fifth grade of Primary ...
Socialization agents
(Vicerrectorado de Calidad e Innovación Docente, 2017-01-26)
Los estudiantes deben llevar a cabo, en equipos, un proyecto de generación de conocimiento sobre un ámbito de socialización y transmisión de valores, analizando un caso o modelo concreto y realizando una propuesta de ...
Implementing games in the foreign language classroom: effects on students’ language acquisition process
[EN] This paper focuses on the possible benefits of implementing games to enhance the foreign language acquisition process. In this research, the participants were 45 students enrolled in the fifth grade of Primary School ...
Joining story based learning with project based learning in the foreign language classroom
[EU] Lan hau ikasleen arteko interakzioa eta motibazioa sustatzen duten metodologiak erabiltzeak izan ditzakeen onurei buruzkoa da. Hori aztertzeko, 48 ikaslek parte hartu zuten ikerketan, bai ikasgela esperimentalean, bai ...
Podcast creation for foreign language acquisition and digital competence development in primary education
[EN] This paper explores the potential outcomes of using ICTs for Foreign Language Learning in a primary school, along with fostering the development of the digital competence as regulated in the European Framework. A ...
Supporting dyslexic students in foreign language education: a study on challenges and effective teaching practices
[EN] This paper is focused on examining the specific challenges faced by dyslexic students in
foreign language (FL) classrooms and evaluates the effectiveness of various instructional
strategies designed to support these ...
Instruction and integration of new and low-achieving students in foreign language teaching
[EN] This paper focuses on the instruction and integration of new and low-achieving students in the English class. For that, four schools in the Basque Autonomous Community were observed, five teachers were interviewed and ...