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dc.contributor.advisorMendicute Fierro, Claudioes
dc.contributor.authorUgalde Arbizu, Maideres
dc.contributor.otherF. CIENCIAS QUIMICASes
dc.contributor.otherKIMIKA ZIENTZIEN
dc.description.abstract[EU]Lan honen helburu nagusia, interes biologikoa daukaten koordinazio polimeroen sintesia eta karakterizazioa da. Horretarako, helburu biologikoak dauzkaten ligandoak zein metal biobateragarriak erabili dira. Hori burutzeko, aurretik ligandoen eta metalen hautaketa bat egin da, non kasu honetan, azido zitrikoa, daminozida, Cu2+ eta Fe3+ metalak aukeratu diren. Koligando bezela, 2,2’-bipiridina eta 4,4’ bipiridina isomeroak erabili dira. Aurretik aipatutako erreaktiboak eta aldagai ezberdinak probatuz, hala nola, pH, disolbatzaile, estekiometria zein tenperatura aldaketak, hiru konplexuen egitura karakterizatzea lortu da. Egiturak karakterizatu diren hiru konplexu horietatik, bat dimeroa da eta beste biak berriz, koordinazio polimeroak dira. Karakterizatutako dimeroak, [Cu2(2,2’-bipy)2(H3zit)2](NO3)2.4H2O formula molekularra du. Metalaren ingurua oktaedro distortsionatu bat da. Azido zitrikoa bi aldetatik koordinatzen da, bi kobrekin lotuz eta 2,2’ bipiridinak berriz, kelatoa osatu du metalarekin. MOFen kasuan berriz, batek [Cu(4,4’-bipy)(C4H4O4)(H2O)2].2H2O formula molekularra du eta besteak berriz, [Cu(4,4'-bipy)(dam)].6H2O. [Cu(4,4’ bipy)(C4H4O4)(H2O)2].2H2O MOFan, kobrearen ingurua oktaedrikoa da. Sukzinato zein 4,4’-bipiridina bakoitza bi metalekin lotzen da. Bestalde [Cu(4,4'-bipy)(dam)].6H2O MOFan, SHAPE softawarea erabili behar izan da metalaren inguruaren geometria zehazteko. Programa honen bitartez, geometria oinarri karratuko piramidea zein oktaedro vacantea izan daitekela zehaztu da. MOFak sintetizatzeko orduan, pHaren eragina aztertu da. Izan ere, pH basikoan daminozida ligandoa apurtu egin da sukzinatoa sortuz eta pH azidoan berriz, ligandoa ez da apurtu. Bestalde, hiru konplexuen kristalak lortu ostean, karakterizazio teknika ezberdinak erabili dira konplexuaren egitura zehazteko asmoz. Teknika horien artean, infragorri espektroskopia zein X izpien bidezko ikerketak daude, non, azken honen bidez, [Cu2(2,2’ bipy)2(H3zit)2](NO3)2.4H2O dimeroaren eta [Cu(4,4’ bipy)(C4H4O4)(H2O)2].2H2O eta [Cu(4,4'-bipy)(dam)].6H2O MOFen egitura kristalinoak lortu
dc.description.abstract[EN]The main goal of this work is the synthesis and characterization of coordination polymers with biological interest. To achieve this, ligands that have biological objectives and biocompatible metals have been used. First of all, a selection of metals have been done, in this case, citric acid, daminozide, Cu2+ and Fe3+ metals have been chosen. 2,2’-bipyridine and 4,4’-bipyridine isomers are used as co-ligands. After trying different combinations of the afore mentioned reagents, as well as, different factors, such as, pH, solvents, stoichiometry and temperature the structural characterization of three different compounds has been accomplished. One out of these three compounds is a dimer and the other two are MOFs. The dimer that has been characterized has, [Cu2(2,2’ bipy)2(H3zit)2](NO3)2.4H2O molecular formula. The geometry around the metal is a distorted octahedron. Citric acid is coordinated from two sides, bound to two copper metals and 2,2’-bipyridine has created chelates with the metal. In the cases of the MOFs, one of them has [Cu(4,4’-bipy)(C4H4O4)(H2O)2].2H2O molecular formula and the other one has this molecular formula [Cu(4,4'-bipy)(dam)].6H2O. In the first MOF mentioned, the geometry of copper is an octahedral. Each molecule of succinate and 4,4’-bipyridine is coordinated to two metallic centres. In the [Cu(4,4'-bipy)(dam)].6H2O MOF, a software called SHAPE has been used to determine the geometry of the contour of the metal. Using this program, it has been observed that the geometry may be a square pyramid or a vacant octahedron. At the time of synthetize the MOFs, it has been observed the influence of pH. Certainly, in basic pH the daminozide ligand has been broken and become in succinate, however, in acidic pH the ligand does not break. On the other hand, after getting crystals of the three compounds, it have been used different techniques of characterization to get the exact structures of the complexes. In these techniques, there are infrared spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. With the last one, it have been reached the crystal structures of these MOFs [Cu(4,4’ bipy)(C4H4O4)(H2O)2].2H2O and [Cu(4,4'-bipy)(dam)].6H2O and [Cu2(2,2’-bipy)2(H3zit)2](NO3)2.4H2O
dc.subjectazido zitrikoaes
dc.subjectkoordinazio polimero porotsuaes
dc.subjectX izpien bidezko difrakzioaes
dc.titleInteres biologikoa daukaten, beraien artean zitratoa, koordinazio konposatuen sintesia eta karakterizazioaes
dc.rights.holder© 2016, el autores
dc.contributor.degreeGrado en Químicaes
dc.contributor.degreeKimikako Graduaes

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