Now showing items 1-5 of 5

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      A tale of three hedgehogs 

      Arrieta Torres, Igor (2018-04-17)
      [EN] In this work we study three topologies defined over the same set: the hedgehog. As the name suggests, the hedgehog can be described as a set of spines identified at a single point. The first topology on the hedgehog ...
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      Finite graphs, free groups and Stallings’ foldings 

      Lopez de Gamiz Zearra, Jone (2018-04-18)
      [EN] The main goal of the work is to study some basic properties of free groups, by using group theory and topology. For this, graphs play a main role, since we will prove that the fundamental group of a connected graph ...
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      Grupos topológicos 

      Bruña Iturbe, Kepa (2016-04-28)
      The main goal of this work is to give the reader a basic introduction into the subject of topological groups, bringing together the areas of topology and group theory.
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      Itsas maskorrak eta infografia 

      Echevarrieta Ibarra, Judith (2020-12-15)
      [EU] Naturan era askotako egiturak aurki daitezke, eta sarritan betetzen dituzten propietateengatik imitatzen edota horien kopiak sortzen saiatu da gizakia. Lan honetan, itsas maskorrek itsasoko bizi-baldintza bortitzetan ...
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      Los números p-ádicos: principales propiedades 

      Sada Allo, Maider (2020-12-15)
      [ES] En este trabajo (redactado en castellano) intentamos presentar una base sólida del concepto de los números p-ádicos. Para ello definimos la norma p-ádica y tomamos los números p-ádicos como la complementación del ...