Borondatearen Garaitza: Aro Garaikidearen gatazkak zinemaren bidez
Cobo Tabar, Iñigo Aitor
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[EUS] "Borondatearen Garaitza" nazi aldiko zinemaren maisulana da eta XX. mendeko zinemaren lan gorenetako bat. Bere bikantasun teknikoa eta ahalmen bisuala ezinbesteko eragina izan zuten zinemaren bilakaeran gaur egunera arte. [ENG] Considered the finest example of propaganda cinema, Triumph of the Will shows in detail the 6th Party Congress hosted in the city of Nuremberg in September 1934. The film successes at being a monumental historical document of one of Nazism’s most impressive rituals and summarizes widely the main tenants of Nazi ideology. The Film´s director, former dancer and actress Leni Riefenstahl, catches masterfully the main events of the Party Congress featuring the main Nazi leaders as cast. Wisely chosen from the speeches and marches, Riefenstahl provides the audience with a powerful, but disturbing, recording of Nazi ideology in its most symbolic event that has done down in cinema history. German cinema´s evolution through the 1920s and early 1930s results indispensable to understand how such a technical achievement was be done. Inspired by the Mountain Films genre, German cinematography finds itself closer to Nazi ideology as they represent the myth of German supremacy over nature. Inspired by both Mountain Films and Nazi ideas, former dancer and actress Leni Riefenstahl (for long attached to director Fancks) is chosen by the high staff of the National Socialist Party to direct and cut a documentary about the Party Congress in Nuremberg. The Party´s aim was to show Germany and the world how mighty Germany was becoming and to attract the German People to the Nazi ideology. The documentary summarizes Nazi ideology in a subversive, artistic and terrifying way and represents the highest cinematic achievement of The Third Reich, just to witness the decadence of its cinematic industry with racist and unrealistic productions. The documentary´s influence in cinema history is undeniable and keeps been considered now days the best propaganda film ever made. Nonetheless, the documentary doomed his director´s career as his name by attaching his name to a piece of documentary where Hitler was portrayed as a godly messiahs. This documentary film focuses on catching the essence of the national socialist political religion and its main ritual: The Party National Congress. From the historical point of view, is a unique visual document and a faithful witness of German fascism whose visuals and style has inspired many other directors and artists worldwide for decades. Triumph of the Will represents the highest point in cinematography during the Third Reich and it was followed by a series of less successful, less impressive and less overwhelming films and documentaries.