Odisearen geografia
Idiakez Izagirre, Joanes
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[EU]Honako lan honen helburua, Odisearen geografiaren ikerketa esparruari ekarpen xume bat egitea izan da. Homerok eta bere literatur lanak neurrigabeko garrantzia dute gaur egundaino iritsi den mendebaldeko kulturaren eraketa ulertzeko garaian, eta guk K.a. VIII. mendean idatzi zen Odisea poema epikoa oinarritzat hartuz, bertan azaltzen den geografia aztertu dugu; baita honek errealitatearekin eta mitologiarekin duen erlazioa ere. Aditu klasiko zein garaikide ugarik ikertu duten aztergaia izan da eta iturri kontaezinak aurki ditzakegu. Honek aldi berean, interpretapen anitzak azaleratzea ekarri izan du, kontrajarriak direnak askotan.
Greziar Aro Arkaikoko kosmobisioa eta geografia kontzeptua ulertzea izan da lehen pausoa poema epikoan agertzen den informazioa interpretatzeko. Behin gaian barneratuta, Odiseoren bidaia analizatuko dugu puntuz puntu, lurraldez lurralde, bakoitzaren kokapen eta deskribapen fisikoan kokatuz batez ere.
Kartografiaren aspektua ere ezinbestekoa izango da Odisearen geografia ulertzeko eta horregatik, historian zehar egin diren mapak ikertu eta Gradu Amaierako Lanean proposatzen dugun interpretazio mapa berria aurkeztu dugu.
Azkenik, mitologia eta errealitatearen arteko muga finean nabigatzen duen lan honen inguruko gure ikuspuntua azaldu dugu, iturri bibliografiko ezberdinez [EN]The aim of this work is to make a humble contribution to the research field of the geography of the Odyssey. Homer and his literary works have an incalculable value on the creation of the Western culture which has survived until today. That is why we based on the epic poem called Odyssey, written in the eighth century B.C., to analyze the geography it presents; in addition to the relationship it has with mythology and reality. Several classic and contemporary writers have conducted many researches around this artwork, and there are countless written sources referring to the places that crossed the protagonist Odysseus. These sources, has created the same number of interpretations that they contradict each other many times.
The first step of the work is to understand the cosmology and geography concepts within the Greek Archaic Period, to interpret the information it contains the epic poem. Once entered into the subject, we analyzed point by point each territory, focusing on physical descriptions and locations throughout the Mediterranean Sea.
The cartographic aspect on the subject is also essential to understand the geography of the Odyssey. Therefore we go over some maps made along the history and we will present a new one in this Final Career Project.
To conclude, we express our outlook on this research field that navigates on the thin line between mythology and reality, using different bibliography sources.