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dc.contributor.advisorBarandiaran Sarasola, María Jesús
dc.contributor.authorMurua Larrarte, Beñat
dc.contributor.otherF. CIENCIAS QUIMICAS
dc.contributor.otherKIMIKA ZIENTZIEN F.
dc.description.abstract[EU]Gaur egun natura baliabideen kontserbazioa, ingurumenaren babesa eta teknologia iraunkorren garapena bezalako kontzeptuak gizartean oso zabalduak dauden arren, askotan behar baino gutxiago jartzen dira praktikan. Hori dela eta, ikerkuntza honen helburua lehengaien kontserbazioa da, agortzen diren iturri ez berriztagarriak agortezinak diren iturri berriztagarriez ordeztea. Hori burutzeko, polibinil azetatoaren emultsio polimerizazio alternatiboa garatu nahi da egonkortzaile gisa erabiltzen den polibinil alkohola iturri berriztagarria duen kitosanoaz ordeztuz. Kitosanoa egonkortzaile gisa erabiltzen duten emultsioen inguruan gutxi ikertu denez, hastarazle motak eta hastarazle kontzentrazioak duten eragina aztertu da. Honez gain, kitosanoaren ezaugarri nagusienetako bat bere degradazioa denez, kitosanoaren degradazioak bere egonkortzaile funtzioan duen eragina aztertu da. Horretarako, kitosanoa ingurune azidoan disolbatuta dagoelarik tenperaturaren bidez modu kontrolatu batean degradatu da. Gero, degradazioa karakterizatzeaz gain eta degradazio honek binil azetatoaren polimerizazioan duen eragina aztertu da. Ondoren, latex hauetatik abiatuz filmak lortuko dira eta film hauen propietateak zehaztuko dira.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN]Nowadays, the conservation of resources, the environmental protection and the development of sustainable of technologies are well known concepts in our society, however, they are not often put into practice. The aim of this work is the conservation of the resources, replacing non-renewable resources with renewable ones. To achieve that,an alternative polymerization process of polyvinyl acetate is carried out, replacing the stabilizer polyvinyl alcohol with chitosan, which has a renewable source.Little has been investigated about emulsions that are stabilized by chitosan, so in this work the effect of the initiator type and initiator concentration on the chitosan stabilized emulsion is investigated. Additionally, as one of the main characteristics of chitosan is its degradation, the effect of chitosan ́s degradation on its stabilizer function is studied. To attain that, chitosan has been solved in an acid medium and has been degraded under control using temperature to obtain different degradation grades. Then, degradation has been characterized and the effect of the degradation in the polymerization of vinyl acetate has been studied. Finally, films have been produced and their properties have beenmeasured.
dc.subjectemultsio polimerizazioaes_ES
dc.subjectegonkortzaile berriztagarriakes_ES
dc.subjectkitosanoaren degradazioaes_ES
dc.titleKitosanoaren bidezko polibinil azetatoaren emultsio polimerizazioaes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2018, el autor

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