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dc.contributor.advisorGonzález Vives, Alba
dc.contributor.advisorIrusta Maritxalar, María Lourdes
dc.contributor.authorZulaika Urteaga, Unai
dc.contributor.otherF. CIENCIAS QUIMICAS
dc.contributor.otherKIMIKA ZIENTZIEN F.
dc.description.abstract[EU]Laburpena:Lan honetan memoria forma duten materialak prestatu dira. Honetarako, Epoxi erretxina (DGEBAedo erretxina zikloalifatiko bat) eta Poli(ε-kaprolaktona) (PCL) nahasteak prestatu dira. Nahasteeifotohastarazle bat gehitu zaie zeinek epoxi erretxinaren polimerizazio kationikoa hasten duen, epoxierretxina sareatuz. Sareaketa prozesua espektroskopia infragorriz eta teknika kalorimetrikoen bidezjarraitu da. PCL/Epoxi portzentai ezberdineko laginak lortu dira.Lortutako materialek memoria forma azaltzen dute. Honela, PCL-aren fusio tenperatura gainetikberotzean tentsio bat aplikatzen bazaio, eta modu horretan hozten bada, behin behineko formahartzen du. Materialak hasierako forma berreskuratzen du tentsioa kenduz eta PCL-aren fusiotenperatura gainetik berotzen bada. Propietate hauek trakzio eta DMA saiaketen bidez neurtu dira.50/50 konposizioa duten laginak berreskuratze azkarragoa dutela ikusi da.
dc.description.abstract[EN]In this work polymers with shape memory properties have been obtained. Epoxy resin (DGEBA ora cicloalyphatic resin) and Poli(ε-caprolactone) (PCL) mixtures have been prepared. Aphotosensitizer has been used. This reactive starts the kationic polimerization of the epoxy resin,curing the resin. The curing procces has been analized by infrared spectroscopy and by calorimetrytechniques. Mixtures with different amount of epoxy and PCL have been prepared.The obtained materials show shape memory. Thus, if a tension is applied when the material is attemperatures higher than the PCL melting temperature, and the material is cooled keeping thetension, it takes temporary form. The material recovers the original form if the tension is removedand is heated again over the PCL melting temperature. These properties have been measured byDMA and stress/strain measurements. It has been observed that sample containing 50/50PCL/Epoxi composition has higher recovery rates.
dc.titlePCL eta epoxi erretxinen nahastearen fotosareaketa bidez lortutako memoria forma duten filmeakes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2017, el autor
dc.contributor.degreeGrado en Química;;Kimikako Graduaes_ES

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