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dc.contributor.advisorCortabarria Cortázar, Lorea
dc.contributor.authorCastro Zelaia, Aritz
dc.contributor.otherE.U. MAGISTERIO -VITORIA-GASTEIZ
dc.contributor.otherGASTEIZKO IRAKASLEEN U.E.
dc.description34 p. -- Bibliogr.: p. 31-33
dc.description.abstract[EUS] SARRERA: Historikoki pentsatu da adimen handiko ikasleak (AHI), haien ezaugarri apartekoengatik, ez duela arreta berezi bat behar. Hala ere, azken hamarkadetan eginiko ikerketek argi erakusten dute, ikasle hauek behar bereziak dituzten ikasleen multzoan sartzeko eskubide eta beharra dutela. Hala ere, adimen handiaren fenomenoaren konplexutasunak, zein dauden ikerketa gutxiek, ez dute errazten ikasle populazio honen detekzio goiztiarra, eta horregatik beharrezkoa da gehiago ikertzea. Irakasleek formakuntzaren beharra dute, lehenik eta behin ikasle hauek identifikatu eta ondoren haien behar pertsonal zein akademikoei aurre egiteko. HELBURUAK: Lehen Hezkuntzako ikastetxeetako irakasleen autoestima nolakoa den aztertzea; irakasleek AHI lan egiteko orduan jaso duten formakuntza nolakoa den ikustea; hezitzaileek AHI inguruan duten formakuntza hori, haien autoestimarekin erlazionatuta dagoen ikertzea. METODOAK: Guztira 11 irakaslek parte hartu dute ikerketan, horietatik 7 (%63,6) emakumeak dira eta gainontzeko 4 (%36,7) gizonak. Parte hartzaileen adinaren bataz bestea 32,7 urtekoa da. Irakasleen autoestima maila neurtzeko Rosemberg eskala (CIPE) erabili da, eta zenbait galdera irekien bitartez irakasleek AHI inguruko aldagai ezberdinak ezagutu dira, hala nola: formakuntza, harremana, lan esperientzia eta protokolo eta plan espezifikoen ezagutza. EMAITZAK: Irakasleek 18,9 puntuko bataz bestea lortu dute Rosemberg-en eskalan, autoestima baxu bat adieraziz. Hezitzaileek, maila baxu bat adierazi dute ere formakuntza eta AHI inguruko jakintzari dagokionez. Irakasleen autoestima eta formakuntzaren artean joera bat agertu da 0,021-ko korrelazioarekin. Irakasleen autoestima eta jakintzaren artean joera bat agertu da 0,06-ko korrelazioarekin, printzipioz erlazio bat dagoela erakutsiz. AHI batek izan dezakeen muga nagusia harremanetarako zailtasuna da. ONDORIOAK: Ikerketa honetako irakasleek AHI lan egiteko orduan erakutsi duten formakuntza eta jakintza mailak baxua dira orokorrean, emakume zein gizonetan ezberdintasunik agertu gabe. Bi aldagai hauek hezitzaileek erakutsi duten autoestima baxu baten erantzule izan daitezke, izan ere erlazio zuzen bat agertu da hiru aldagaien artean. Irakasleek AHI identifikatu eta haiekin lan egiteko formakuntza behar dute. Horretarako, ikerketa gehiago behar dira, ikasle hauek hobeto ulertu eta hezitzaileentzako formakuntza programak diseinatu ahal izateko. Ikasle hauek harremanetarako izan ditzaketen zailtasunak kooperaziozko jarduera motibagarri eta ludikoen bitartez gainditu daitezke.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] INTRODUCTION: Historically, it has been thought that high intelligence students (HIS), due to their extraordinary characteristics, do not need special attention. However, the research of the last decades has clearly demonstrated that they have the right and the need to be included in the pool of students with special needs. However, the complexities of the phenomenon of high intelligence, of which there are few studies, do not facilitate the early detection of this student population, so more research is needed. Teachers need training to first identify these students and then address their personal and academic needs. OBJECTIVES: Study the self-esteem of primary school teachers; analyze teacher training when working with HIS; see if this training of educators around HIS is related to their self- esteem. METHOD: A total of 11 teachers participated in the study, of which 7 (63.6%) were women and the remaining 4 (36.7%) were men. The average age of the participants is 32.7 years. The Rosemberg scale (CIPE) was used to measure the teacher's level of self-esteem, and through some open-ended questions, different variables related to IAHs were analyzed, such as training, relationship, work experience and knowledge of specific protocols and plans. RESULTS: The teachers obtained an average of 18.9 points on the Rosemberg scale, indicating low self-esteem. Educators also indicated a low level of training and knowledge about IAH. There was a trend between teacher self-esteem and training with a correlation of 0.021. A trend has been observed between teachers' self-esteem and knowledge with a correlation of 0.06, which shows that there is a relationship in principle. The main limitation that an HIS can have is the difficulty in relating to others. CONCLUSIONS: The levels of training and knowledge shown by the teachers in this study when working with IAH are generally low, with no difference in women or men. Both variables may be responsible for the low self-esteem shown by educators, since a direct relationship emerged between the three variables. Teachers need specific training to identify AHI and work with them. This requires more research so that in the future educators can better understand students and can design better educational programs. The relational difficulties that HIS could have, can be overcome through encouraging and motivational cooperative activities.es_ES
dc.subjectadimen handiko ikasleakes_ES
dc.subjectLehen Hezkuntza
dc.subjecthigh intelligence students
dc.subjectPrimary Education
dc.titleLehen Hezkuntzako irakasleen autoestima eta formakuntzaren azterketa, adimen handiko ikasleekin lan egiterako orduan.es_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2021, el autor
dc.contributor.degreeGrado en Educación Primaria
dc.contributor.degreeLehen Hezkuntzako Gradua

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