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dc.contributor.advisorAguirre Arrese, Miren ORCID
dc.contributor.advisorLeiza Recondo, José Ramón
dc.contributor.authorRubio Murillo, Sara
dc.contributor.otherF. CIENCIAS QUIMICAS
dc.contributor.otherKIMIKA ZIENTZIEN F.
dc.description.abstract[EN] Nanoparticle (NP) based drug delivery systems offer a more efficient and controlled way of administrating drugs compared to the traditional methods, and polymeric NPs seem to be a promising platform due to its numerous advantages and properties. Conventional techniques such as nanoprecipitation require extensive use of the solvents and numerous steps to produce NPs. Therefore, in this work, the production of PEGylated polyester based NPs in a two-step process, reducing the amount of organic solvents as much as possible was studied. To do so, biocompatible Ꜫ-caprolactone and L-lactic acid based macromonomers of different chain lengths were produced by ring opening polymerization (ROP), and then polymerized with poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMA) via free radical polymerization (FRP) in aqueous and water-ethanol mediums. Latexes were analysed regarding conversion of the reaction, coagulum content and particle size. To ensure the degradability of the produced NPs, a hydrolytic degradation study was performed for polymers produced by solution polymerization. Molar mass evolution, thermal properties and water absorption and remaining weight were monitored during the study.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EU] Nanopartikuletan (NP) oinarritutako sendagaiak emateko sistemek sendagaiak administratzeko modu eraginkorrago eta kontrolatuago bat eskaintzen dute metodo tradizionalekin alderatuta. NP polimerikoak aukera ona dira eskaintzen dituzten propietate eta abantailengatik. Nanoprezipitazioa bezalako teknika konbentzionalek disolbatzaileen erabilera zabala eta NPak sortzeko urrats ugari behar dituzte. Hori dela eta, lan honetan, PEGilatutako poliesterretan oinarritutako NPen ekoizpena bi urratseko prozesuan aztertu zen, disolbatzaile organikoen erabilera ahal den neurrian murriztuz. Horretarako, kate luzera desberdineko Ꜫ-caprolactona eta L-azido laktikoan oinarritutako makromonomero biobateragarriak eraztun irekitze (ROP) bidez ekoiztu ziren. Ondoren polietilenglikolarekin (PEG) polimerizatu ziren erradikal askeen polimerizazio (FRP) bidez ur eta ur-etanol ingurunean. Latexak erreakzioaren konbertsioa, koagulo edukia eta partikulen tamaina bidez karakterizatu ziren. Ekoitzitako NPen degradagarritasuna bermatzeko, degradazio hidrolitikoaren azterketa egin zen antzeko polimeroentzako. Azterketan zehar pisu molekularraren eboluzioa, propietate termikoak eta uraren xurgapena eta pisu galera behatu ziren.es_ES
dc.subjectpolymeric nanoparticleses_ES
dc.subjecthydrolytic degradationes_ES
dc.subjectemulsion polymerizationes_ES
dc.titleWaterborne degradable polyester nanoparticles: Synthesis of Ꜫ-caprolactone and L-lactide- based PEGylated nanoparticles through free radical polymerizationes_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2021, la autora
dc.contributor.degreeKimikako Graduaes_ES
dc.contributor.degreeGrado en Química

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