AZTERTU programan 2020ko AZTERKOSTA kanpainaren azterketa eta balorazioa
March Ochoa, Aitor
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[EUS] AZTERTU Eusko Jaurlaritzak kudeatzen duen Ingurumen Hezkuntzako programa da eta gizartearen parte-hartze aktiboa sustatzen du naturguneen kontserbazio eta hobekuntzarako. AZTERKOSTA, programaren kanpaina nagusia, Karen Dubsky itsas ekologoak Irlandan diseinatutako Coastwatch itsasertzari buruzko Ingurumen Hezkuntzako programa europarretik dator, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegora egokitu zena 1991. urtean. Lehen edizioan lortutako partaidetza onari esker, programari jarraitutasun handiagoa eman zitzaion eta, ondorengo urteetan, AZTERTU sarea zabaldu zen kanpaina berriekin. AZTERKOSTAren jarduera nagusia laginketa da. Bertan, material zientifikoak ematen zaio kostaldeko eremu baten ingurumen-egoera aztertzeko interesa duen edozein talderi (elkarteak, familiak, ikasleak, etab.). COVID-19ak sortutako osasun-larrialdiko egoera dela eta, AZTERKOSTA 2020 kanpainak 2021eko irailetik maiatzera luzatu du bere iraupena. Hala ere, partaidetza aurreko urteetakoa baino txikiagoa izan da: 106 inskripzio, eta horietatik, Bigarren Hezkuntza (taldeen % 53,4a) eta Lehen Hezkuntzako (% 27,4) zentroak dira talde gehienak. Ingurumen-egoeraren emaitzek erakutsi dute euskal kostaldeko tarteak oso egoera onean daudela, eta gehienek hobera egin dutela aurreko urteekin alderatuta. Programaren erronka handienetako bat borondatezko hezkuntza ez-formalaren edo informalaren eremuan presentzia handiagoa izatea da. Horretarako, difusioa hobetzea eta familia edo banakoentzat baliabide didaktikoak egokitzea proposatzen da. Boluntarioen erantzun positiboari esker, AZTERTU programa Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko ingurumen hezkuntzaren funtsezko oinarri bilakatu da. [EN] AZTERTU is an Environmental Education program managed by the Basque Government that encourages the active participation of society in the conservation and improvement of natural areas. Its main campaign, AZTERKOSTA, emerged as the adaptation of Coastwatch, the European Environmental Education program based on the coast designed in Ireland by Karen Dubsky, for the Basque Country. The good participation results achieved in its first edition allowed the initiative to be continued, and in subsequent years, the AZTERTU network was expanded with additional campaigns. The sampling of AZTERKOSTA is the main activity of the program, in which materials are delivered to students, families or any group interested in analyzing the environmental status of a section of shore. Due to the state of alarm caused by COVID-19, the AZTERKOSTA 2020 campaign has extended its duration from September to May 2021. Despite that, the participation has been lower than in previous years, with 106 registrations most from secondary and primary education. The environmental results have shown a very favorable state of the Basque coastline since much of it has improved compared to previous years. One of the greatest challenges of the program is having a greater presence in the field of non-formal or informal education, and for that, the suggestion is to improve the diffusion and adapt teaching materials for families. It should be noted that thanks to the positive response, the AZTERTU Program has been established as a fundamental pillar of environmental education in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.