Now showing items 1-10 of 18
Community justice and feminist care ethics: the experience of women community agents in Mathias Velho, Canoas, Brazil
[EN] Over the past decade, several projects on community justice have been implemented in Brazil under the execution of the National Program for Public Security and Citizenship (PRONASCI). The Violence Prevention Center, ...
Un pueblo sin memoria es un pueblo sin futuro: The Right to Memory and the Struggle for the Legal Regulation of Memory Sites in 21st Century Chile
Over the past decades, the right to memory has gained traction among academic and public circles, which recognize the importance of remembering and commemorating the past for victims, their families, and future generations. ...
Maya women and domestic violence in Quiché, Guatemala: access and operation of justice between charges of impunity and pleas of “minimum criminal law”
Mayan women and domestic violence: does impunity is really the problem?
To answer to the main question, it is important to dwell on the relationship between the
criminal justice system and those women.
In particular, ...
Efectividad del autogobierno indígena wayuu en la gestión ambiental de su territorio
El presente documento describe el caso del pueblo wayuu y su relación con el Proyecto de Interconexión Gasífera de PDVSA Gas Sucursal Colombia (tramo Antonio Ricaurte) desde 2006 hasta su estado actual. Particularmente, ...
Los jueces de paz en el País Vasco: fines y medios
Discursos sobre la niñez en la prensa escrita del Chile reciente: dos casos paradigmáticos
[EN] The purpose of this paper is to analyze the discourses on childhood in the chilean written press, using two cases of high public connotation as examples. The study of the media has been chosen because of its relevance ...
Women Prosecuted for Terrorism in the Basque Country: Deconstructing Judicial, Media, and NGO Discourses from a Feminist Perspective
This thesis aims to analyze how ‘women terrorists’ are produced as subjects by existing discourses (Foucault, 1986), such as those produced by the justice system, the media, or statements published by victims of terrorist ...
La situación de los adolescentes migrantes que entran en contacto con el sistema de justicia juvenil en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca
[EN] The thesis aims to know the experiences of Latin American and Maghrebian youth who have been in the Youth Justice System of the Basque Autonomous Community. This work is focused on researching how they live their ...