Joining story based learning with project based learning in the foreign language classroom
Ugalde Vázquez, Irati
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[EU] Lan hau ikasleen arteko interakzioa eta motibazioa sustatzen duten metodologiak erabiltzeak izan ditzakeen onurei buruzkoa da. Hori aztertzeko, 48 ikaslek parte hartu zuten ikerketan, bai ikasgela esperimentalean, bai behaketa-gelan. Talde esperimentaleko partaideek 18 saio jaso zituzten metodologia ezberdin horiek aplikatuta, behaketa taldeak ohiko saioen programazioarekin jarraitzen zuen bitartean. Metodologia horiek ingelesa atzerriko hizkuntza gisa eskuratzean izan ditzaketen ondorioak aztertzea zen helburua. Emaitzek erakutsi zuten eskuhartzean parte hartu zuten ikasleak beren artean interakzioa izaten ari zirela eta, beraz, motibatuagoak zeudela. Gainera, ikasgela esperimentaleko ingeles maila behaketa taldekoa baino altuagoa izan zen azkenean. Hala ere, oraindik asko dago aztertzeko ikasleen motibazioaren inguruan eta hori nola sustatu daitekeen. [EN] This paper is focused on the possible benefits of the use of different methodologies that
promote interaction and motivation among students. In order to analyse that, 48
students participated in the study, either in the experimental class or in the observation
class. Participants from the experimental group took part in an intervention that was
carried out during 18 lessons, while the observation class continued with their regular
lessons. The aim was to analyse the effects that those methodologies can have in the
acquisition of English as a foreign language. The results showed that the students that
participated in the intervention were interacting among them, and therefore they were
more motivated. Moreover, the English level from the experimental class ended up
being higher than in the observation class. Nevertheless, there is still much to analyse
about students’ motivation and how to promote it.