Elikagai zein edarietako sulfitoen determinazioa irudi digitalen analisian oinarrituta
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Oiarbide Beain, Izaro
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[EU] Ardoak eta ozpinak izan ditzaketen sulfito kontzentrazioak determinatzea izan da lan honen helburu nagusia. Horretarako, sulfitoek pararosanilina hidrokloruro (PRA) erreaktiboaren presentzian ematen duten erreakzio kolorimetrikoa hartu da oinarritzat. Erreakzio horren jarraipena irudi digitalen analisiaren bidez egin ahal izateko metodo bat garatu nahi izan da.
Irudi digitalen analisi metodoa balioztatzeko asmoarekin beste bi teknika erabili dira erreferentziatzat. Alde batetik, ultramore ikuskorra, eta bestetik, Ripper metodoa, enologian sufre dioxidoa determinatzeko oso erabiliak diren balorazioetan oinarritutakoa.
Teknika ezberdinekin lortutako emaitzak bat ez zetozela ikusirik, matrize efektu posible baten eragina planteatu da, hori ziurtatzeko adizio estandar metodoa erabiliz. [EN] The main objective of this work is to determine the amount of sulphites in wine and vinegar. For this purpose, the analysis has been based on the colorimetric reaction of sulphites in the presence of pararosaniline hydrochloride (PRA) reactive. The idea is to develop a method for monitoring this reaction through the analysis of digital images.
In order to validate the digital image analysis method, two other techniques have been used as a reference. On the one hand, the visible ultraviolet, and, on the other hand, the Ripper method, which is highly used for the determination of sulfur dioxide in enology.
Seeing that the results obtained from the various techniques were not consistent, the result of a possible matrix effect has been considered, using the standard additive method to ensure it. The main objective of this work is to determine the amount of sulphites in wine and
vinegar. For this purpose, the analysis has been based on the colorimetric reaction of
sulphites in the presence of pararosaniline hydrochloride (PRA) reactive. The idea is to
develop a method for monitoring this reaction through the analysis of digital images.
In order to validate the digital image analysis method, two other techniques have
been used as a reference. On the one hand, the visible ultraviolet, and, on the other hand,
the Ripper method, which is highly used for the determination of sulfur dioxide in enology.
Seeing that the results obtained from the various techniques were not consistent, the
result of a possible matrix effect has been considered, using the standard additive method to
ensure it.