dc.contributor.advisor | Irusta Maritxalar, María Lourdes | |
dc.contributor.advisor | Sanz Iturralde, Oihane | |
dc.contributor.author | Martin Larrañaga, Nahikari | |
dc.contributor.other | F. CIENCIAS QUIMICAS | |
dc.contributor.other | KIMIKA ZIENTZIEN F. | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2025-02-04T18:36:59Z | |
dc.date.available | 2025-02-04T18:36:59Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2025-02-04 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/10810/72248 | |
dc.description.abstract | [EU] Giza jardueraren eraginez atmosferan aurkitzen den karbono dioxido kontzentrazioaren
igoera nabariak aldaketa klimatikoa bizkortzea eragiten du. Honi aurre egiteko, CO2
kantitatea murrizteko prozesuen garapena oso garrantzitsua da. Ekimen
garrantzitsuenetako bat, isozianato gabeko poliuretanoen (NIPU,
polyurethanes) sintesia da, non gas hau erreaktibo gisa erabiltzen den. Ohiko
poliuretanoen sintesia burutzeko, isozianato monomero toxikoak erabiltzen dira. Hori
dela eta, karbono dioxidoa erabiliz, polimero berde eta jasangarriagoen sintesia egin
daiteke. NIPUen sintesia aurrera eramateko epoxidatutako konposatu bio-
oinarrituetatik abiatzen da orokorrean. Konposatu horiek, karbono dioxidoarekin
erreakzionaraziz NIPUen sintesian ezinbestekoa den monomero karbonatatua lortzen
Honenbestez, lan honetan soja-olio epoxidatuaren (ESBO,
epoxidated soybean oil)
karbono dioxido fixazio bidezko erreakzioa aztertu da, katalisi homogeneo bidez, soja-
olio karbonatatua (CSBO,
carbonated soybean oil) sintetizatzeko, zeina NIPUen
sintesirako monomero nagusia izango den. Erreakzio baldintzak aldatzen joan dira,
baldintza optimoena aurkitu arte. Optimizazio horrek energia eta baliabide gastua
ahalik eta baxuena izatea du helburu. Olio karbonatatua diamina desberdinekin
erreakzionarazi da NIPUak sintetizatuz, eta diaminen eragina aztertuz.
Ostean, NIPUetan lortu diren propietate mekaniko ahulak hobetzeko, trimetilolpropano
triglizidil eterra (TMPTE) eta karbonatatutako trimetilolpropano triglizidil eterra
(CTMPTE) erabili dira. Monomero horiekin eta 1,4-diaminabutanorekin, CSBO/CTMPTE
kopolimero karbonatatu eta CSBO/TMPTE epoxi/polihidroxiuretano polimero hibridoak
sintetizatu dira, horien homopolimeroez gain. TMPTE eta CTMPTE monomeroen
proportzio desberdinak propietate mekanikoetan duten eragina aztertu ondoren, argi
ikusi da propietateen hobekuntza eman dela | |
dc.description.abstract | [EN] The notable increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to
human activity causes climate change to accelerate. To face this, the development of CO2
reduction processes is very important. One of the most important initiatives is the
synthesis of non-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPU), where this gas is used as reagent. The
usual polyurethane synthesis is done using toxic isocyanate monomer. So, using carbon
dioxide, more green and sustainable polymers can be synthesized. NIPU synthesis is
generally based on epoxidated bio-based compounds. The carbonated monomer, which
is crucial for the synthesis of NIPUs, is obtained by the reaction of those compounds with
the CO2.
In the present work, the carbon dioxide fixation reaction of epoxidated soybean oil
(ESBO) has been studied, through homogeneous catalysis, to synthesize carbonated
soybean oil (CSBO), which will be the main monomer for the NIPUs. The reaction
conditions have been changed, for establishing the most optimum reaction conditions.
This optimization aims to keep reduce both energy and resources. The reaction between
carbonated oil and different diamines for synthesizing NIPUs has been performed
analyzing the effect of each diamine.
Subsequently, to improve the poor mechanical properties achieved in NIPUs,
trimethylolpropane triglycdidyl ether (TMPTE) and carbonated trimethylolpropane
triglycidyl ether (CTMPTE) have been used. With these monomers and 1,4-
diaminabutane, CSBO/CTMPTE carbonated copolymers and CSBO/TMPTE
epoxy/polyhydroxyurethane hybrid polymers have been synthesized, in addition to their
homopolymers. After examining the influence of different proportions of TMPTE and
CTMPTE monomers on mechanical properties, it has been observed that there has been
an improvement in properties. | |
dc.language.iso | eus | es_ES |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | |
dc.title | Isozianato gabeko poliuretanoen sintesia karbono dioxidoa erabiliz | es_ES |
dc.type | info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis | |
dc.date.updated | 2024-06-13T08:52:37Z | |
dc.language.rfc3066 | es | |
dc.rights.holder | © 2024, Nahikari Martin Larrañaga | |
dc.contributor.degree | Kimikako Gradua | es_ES |
dc.contributor.degree | Grado en Química | |
dc.identifier.gaurassign | 157743-1004471 | |