Aita menni ospitalean eskizofrenia pairatzen duten pertsonei zuzendutako zuzendutako jarduera fisiko programa espezifiko baten proposamena
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Segade Núñez, Libe
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[EUS] Eskizofrenia gaixotasun mental larria da, jatorri organikokoa. Ez du dementziarik ezta memoria, orientazio edo adimen-nahasmendurik ere. Errealitatearekiko erlazioa galtzen dute sintoma
positiboak (delirioak, haluzinazioak,...), sintoma negatiboak (harreman sozialak, pertsonalitatea,...) eta
kognitiboak (egite funtzioan eragin) sortua. Gaixotasun honek mundu mailako biztanleriaren %1ari
afektatzen dio.
Lan honetan proposatzen den jarduera fisiko programa honetan, oreka, indarra eta
erresistentzia kardiobaskularra landuko dira entrenamendu espezifikoak eta gainbegiratuak sortuz eta
hauen progresioa nabarmenduz. Programak 36 mikroziklo izango ditu, urrian hasi eta ekainera arte eta
bertan hiru fase bereiziko dira: Egokitze Fasea, Hobetze Fasea eta Mantentze Fasea. Egokitze Fasean
astean 60 minutuko hiru saio eramango dira aurrera. Hobetze eta Mantentze Faseetan 60 minutuko ast
lau saio eramango dira aurrera astean.
Aita Menni ospitale psikiatrikoko Lepe Psikiatriko Unitatean dauden eskizofrenia duten
pertsonei zuzenduta dago programa eta fase ezberdinetan ariketa mota, intentsitatea eta maiztasuna
egokituta dago intentsitatean eragiten duten faktore guztien konbinaketa ezinhobea eginez.
Programa honetan balorazio bat egongo da haibat galdetegi, eskala eta test fisikoen bitartez
neurtuko dena programaren egokitasuna, eragina eta onurak kontrolatzeko eta baita egokitzeko
beharraren azterketarako.
Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness of organic origin. No dementia, no memory, no
orientation, no mental disorder. They lose their relation to reality caused by positive symptoms
(delusions, hallucinations,...), negative symptoms (social relations, personality,...) and cognitive
symptoms (influence on the function of acting). This disease affects 1% of the world's population.
This physical activity program proposed in this work will work on balance, strength and
cardiovascular resistance by creating specific and supervised training and enhancing their progression.
The programme will consist of 36 microcycles, starting in October and until June, and will consist of
three distinct phases: the Adaptation Phase, the Improvement Phase and the Maintenance Phase.
Three 60-minute sessions a week will be held during the Adaptation Phase. During the Improvement
and Maintenance phases, four 60-minute sessions will be held each week.
The program is aimed at people with schizophrenia in the Psychiatric Lepe Unit of the Father
Menni Psychiatric Hospital and is adapted to the different stages of exercise, intensity and frequency,
making a perfect combination of all the factors that influence intensity.
This programme shall include an assessment which shall be measured through questionnaires,
scales and physical tests to monitor the adequacy, impact and benefits of the programme, as well as
the need for adaptation