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    La tutoria universitaria en la Escuela Universitaria de Magisterio de Bilbao 

    Pastor Andrés, David (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2016)
    El objetivo de este estudio exploratorio es la realización de un análisis sobre las prácticas de acción tutorial y su valoración como elemento fundamental de los procesos de aprendizaje que se llevan a cabo en la E.U de ...
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    Graphene-based versus alumina supports on CO2 methanation using lanthanum-promoted nickel catalysts 

    Méndez Mateos, David; Barrio Cagigal, Victoria Laura; Requies Martínez, Jesús María; Gil Calvo, Myriam (Springer Nature, 2024-05)
    The valorization of CO2 as a biofuel, transforming it through methanation as part of the power-to-gas (P2G) process, will allow the reduction of the net emissions of this gas to the atmosphere. Catalysts with 13 wt.% of ...
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    Critical Pragmatics: Nine Misconceptions 

    De Ponte Azcarate, María; Korta Carrión, Kepa; Perry, John (Springer Nature, 2023-09)
    In this paper, we focus on some misconceptions about Critical Pragmatics, what it is, what it assumes and what it proposes. Doubtless, some of these misconceptions are due to clumsy writing on our part; perhaps others are ...
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    The Sima de los Huesos cervical spine 

    Gómez Olivencia, Asier; Arsuaga Ferreras, Juan Luis (American Association for Anatomy, 2024-07)
    Information regarding the evolution of the neck in genus Homo is hampered owing to a limited fossil record. Neandertals display significant metric and/or morphological differences in all the cervical vertebrae, when compared ...
