Listar Máster Universitario en Análisis y Procesamiento del Lenguaje por fecha de publicación
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 61
BertsoBot: lehen urratsak
(2012)[EU]Hizkuntzaren prozesamenduko teknikak erabilita, poesia-sorkuntza automatikoan lehen urratsak eman dira. Hau erdiesteko, corpusen prozesamenduan oinarritutako bilaketak erabili dira, bai bilaketa arruntak eta baita ... -
Exploring Semantic Textual Similarity
(2012)[EN]Measuring semantic similarity and relatedness between textual items (words, sentences, paragraphs or even documents) is a very important research area in Natural Language Processing (NLP). In fact, it has many practical ... -
SNOMED CT sare semantikoa euskaratzeko aplikazioa
(2013)[EU]Master bukaerako proiektu honetan, SNOMED CT sare semantikoa euskaratzeko aplikazioaren lehenengo urratsak azaltzen ditugu. Horretarako, SNOMED CTren sakoneko analisia egin dugu, eta bio-zientzien domeinuko euskarazko ... -
Analysis, optimization and development of an answer scoring system
(2016-02-09)The main contribution of this work is to analyze and describe the state of the art performance as regards answer scoring systems from the SemEval- 2013 task, as well as to continue with the development of an answer scoring ... -
Ebaluatoia: crowd evaluation of English-Basque machine translation
(2016-04-08)[EU]Lan honetan Ebaluatoia aurkezten da, eskala handiko ingelesa-euskara itzulpen automatikoko ebaluazio kanpaina, komunitate-elkarlanean oinarritua. Bost sistemaren itzulpen kalitatea konparatzea izan da kanpainaren ... -
Distributional semantics and machine learning for statistical machine translation
(2016-05-24)[EU]Lan honetan semantika distribuzionalaren eta ikasketa automatikoaren erabilera aztertzen dugu itzulpen automatiko estatistikoa hobetzeko. Bide horretan, erregresio logistikoan oinarritutako ikasketa automatikoko eredu ... -
Koherentziazko diskurtso erlazioen detekzio automatikoa patroien bidez, XMLko erlazio-egiturak oinarri hartuta
(2016-07-15)[EU]Hizkuntzaren prozesamenduan testu koherenteetan kausa taldeko erlazioak (KAUSA, ONDORIOA eta HELBURUA) automatikoki hautematea eta bereiztea erabilgarria da galdera-erantzun automatikoko sistemak eraikitzerako orduan. ... -
Testu arteko koherentziazko erlazio-egitura: lehen urratsak euskaraz
(2016-07-15)[EU]Testu bat koherente egiten duten arrazoiak ulertzea oso baliagarria da testuaren beraren ulermenerako, koherentzia eta koherentzia-erlazioak testu bat edo gehiago koherente diren ondorioztatzen laguntzen baitigu. Lan ... -
Data sparsity in highly inflected languages: the case of morphosyntactic tagging in Polish
(2016-11-30)In morphologically complex languages, many high-level tasks in natural language processing rely on accurate morphosyntactic analyses of the input. However, in light of the risk of error propagation in present-day pipeline ... -
Building a dialogue system for question-answer forum websites
(2017-03-05)[EU] Dialogo-sistemak gizakiak laguntzeko sistema automatikoak dira, eta beren ezaugarri nagusia da komunikazioa hizkuntza naturalaren bidez gauzatzeko gai direla. Azken boladan bultzada handia jaso eta eguneroko tresnetan ... -
A Study Towards Spanish Abstract Meaning Representation
(2017-06-27)Taking into account the increasing attention that researchers of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) and Natural Language Generation (NLG) are paying to Computational Semantics, we analyze the feasibility of annotating ... -
Mapping of electronic health records in Spanish to the unified medical language system metathesaurus
(2017-09-26)[EN] This work presents a preliminary approach to annotate Spanish electronic health records with concepts of the Unified Medical Language System Metathesaurus. The prototype uses Apache Lucene R to index the Metathesaurus ... -
Automatic generation of named entity taggers leveraging parallel corpora
(2017-09-27)The lack of hand curated data is a major impediment to developing statistical semantic processors for many of the world languages. A major issue of semantic processors in Nat- ural Language Processing (NLP) is that they ... -
to post-edit or to translate ... That is the question: a case study of a recommender system for Quality Estimation of Machine Translation based on linguistic features
(2018)[EN]The implementation of a machine translation system into production is not enough to warrant its efficient use. There exists the need to know when it is profitable to use machine translation as opposed to translating ... -
Basque-to-Spanish and Spanish-to-Basque machine translation for the health domain
(2018)[EU]Master Amaierako Lan honek medikuntza domeinuko euskara eta gaztelera arteko itzulpen automatiko sistema bat garatzeko helburuarekin emandako lehenengo urratsak aurkezten ditu. Corpus elebidun nahikoaren faltan, hainbat ... -
Noisy speech recognition using Kaldi and neural architectures
(2018-02)[EN]Noisy Speech Recognition using Kaldi and Neural Architectures ABSTRACT The goal of an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) system is to transform a set of acoustic features into a sequence of words. It mainly consists ... -
Ikasleen laburpen-corpusa eta laburpen-gaitasunaren ebaluazioa: oinarri metodologikoak
(2018-03)Laburpena eta laburtzen jakitea oso garrantzitsuak dira gizarteko hainbat esparrutan gaur egun; hori dela eta, ikasleek beraien ikasketa-prozesuan garatu beharreko konpetentzia da laburtze gaitasuna. Lan honetan ikasleek ... -
Elaboration of a RST Chinese Treebank
(2018-03-20)[EN] As a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Natural Language Processing (NLP) aims to automatically process human languages. Fruitful achievements of variant studies from different research fields for NLP exist. ... -
Unsupervised methods to predict example difficulty in word sense annotation
(2018-06)[EU]Hitzen Adiera Desanbiguazioa (HAD) Hizkuntzaren Prozesamenduko (HP) erronkarik handienetakoa da. Frogatu denez, HAD sistema ahalik eta arrakastatsuenak entrenatzeko, oso garrantzitsua da entrenatze-datuetatik adibide ... -
Analysis, overview and creation of an Arabic LVCSR
(2018-10-10)As the standardized version of the Arabic Language, Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the most prevalent form of this language. MSA is also the third most spoken language in the world with over 300 million speakers. Moreover, ...