Trabajos Académicos-F. Química
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Waterborne film forming and crystalline poly(thiother) films for barrier coatings
(2025-02-04)[EN] The use of (Polyvinylidene chloride) PVDC in food packaging is very widespread due to its outstanding barrier properties. Nevertheless, the environmental concern regarding the release of chloride has promoted the ... -
Synthesis of hypercrosslinked polymers in dispersed media
(2025-02-04)[EN] The main goal of this project is to understand and adapt the Transfer-dominated Branching Radical Telomerization (TBRT) process to be able to work in a water-based system in order to minimize the use of volatile organic ... -
LMFPn oinarritutako formulazio katodikoaren garapena eta optimizazioa
(2025-02-04)Gradu Amaierako Lana (GrAL) Donostiako CIDETEC Energy Storage enpresan garatu da. Planteatutako ikerketa energia metaketaren inguruan izan da: gai kimiko-fisikoa da. Proiektu honetan, kamioi elektrikoentzat bateriak sortu ...