Integrated Information in the Thermodynamic Limit
Neural networks 114 : 136-146 (2019)
The capacity to integrate information is a prominent feature of biological, neural, and cognitive processes. Integrated Information Theory (IIT) provides mathematical tools for quantifying the level of integration in a system, but its computational cost generally precludes applications beyond relatively small models. In consequence, it is not yet well understood how integration scales up with the size of a system or with different temporal scales of activity, nor how a system maintains integration as it interacts with its environment. After revising some assumptions of the theory, we show for the first time how modified measures of information integration scale when a neural network becomes very large. Using kinetic Ising models and mean-field approximations, we show that information integration diverges in the thermodynamic limit at certain critical points. Moreover, by comparing different divergent tendencies of blocks that make up a system at these critical points, we can use information integration to delimit the boundary between an integrated unit and its environment. Finally, we present a model that adaptively maintains its integration despite changes in its environment by generating a critical surface where its integrity is preserved. We argue that the exploration of integrated information for these limit cases helps in addressing a variety of poorly understood questions about the organization of biological, neural, and cognitive systems.