El registro geológico antropoceno del Basque Mud Patch y su relación con los procesos costeros en el Golfo de Bizkaia
Gardoki Bilbao, Juan Martín
Cearreta Bilbao, Alejandro
Gómez Arozamena, José
XV Reunión Nacional de Cuaternario. Libro de Resúmenes : 222-225 (2019)
In order to reconstruct the possible recent anthropogenic impact recorded in the Basque mud patch, 3 cores obtained at around 100 m depth in front of the Guipuzcoan coast during the French oceanographic campaign Euskased (Euska2) have been studied. Their multiproxy analysis (metals, foraminifera, pollen, carbonaceous particles and short-lived radioisotopes) shows an evident human footprint corresponding to the “Great Acceleration” from mid-20th century.