Biological responses of two mytilid species to WAF of crude oil and dispersed crude oil
[EN] Mytilus species are important organisms in marine systems being highly abundant and widely distributed along the coasts of Europe and worldwide. They are widely used in monitoring programmes to assess the health status of coastal and estuarine ecosystems, and to assess the effects produced after exposure to contaminants (single and mixtures) under laboratory exposure conditions. In order to ascertain the effects of oil spills and their responses an experiment was carried out in the facilities of Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU). After a period of acclimatization to laboratory conditions two mussel species from the Mytilus complex (Mytilus trossulus, M. edulis) were exposed to produced Water Accommodated Fraction of crude oil (WAF) at a high concentration (WAF25%) and WAF of dispersed crude oil (Finasol OSR52) (WAF5%D) at 15 ℃ and 20 psu (Practical Salinity Unit). Mussels were dissected at days 0 and 7 and different endpoints were measured, such as tissue-level biomarkers, including cell type composition (volume density of basophilic cells, VvBAS) in digestive gland epithelium, structural changes of digestive alveoli (MLR/MET, MET/MDR) and connective to diverticula ratio (CTD). Moreover, gonadal development of mussels (as a supporting parameter) was also determined. [EUS] Mytilus espezieak izaki garrantzitsuak dira sistema itsastarretan oso ugariakdirelakoeta beraiensakabanakuntzaEuropako kostaldean zehar eta munduan zeharematen delako. Monitorizazio programetan asko erabiltzen dira estuarioetakoeta kostaldeko ekosistemen osasun egoeraebaluatzeko, baita laborategiko esposizio egoeretan kutsatzaileek(bakarrik edo nahastuta)eratzen dituzten efektuak ikertzeko erabiltzen dira.Fuel isurkiek eta hauen erantzunak dituzten efektuak determinatzeko esperimentu bat burutu zen Plentziako Itsas Estazioko (PiE, EHU/UPV) instalazioetan. Aklimatazio periodo baten ondorenlaborategikoegoeretara, Mytilus konplexuko bi muskuilu espezie (Mytilus trossulus, M. edulis) ekoiztutakofuelarenUretan Moldatutako Frakzioa(WAF)kontzentrazio altuan (WAF25%)eta sakabanatutakofuelaren(Finasol OSR 52) Uretan Moldatutako Frakzioaren (WAF5%D) eraginpean jarri ziren 15 °C-taneta20 psu-tan (Practical Salinity Unit).Muskuiluak0eta 7 egunetandisekzionatuzirenparametro ezberdinak aztertzeko:ehun-mailako biomarkatzaileak,halanola,zelula-mota osaera (zelula basofilikoen dentsitate bolumetrikoarenaldaketa, VvBAS) liseri-guruineko epitelioetan, liseri-guruinaren aldaketa egituralak(MLR/MET,MET/MDR),ehun konektibo eta dibertikuluenarteko ratioa(CTD). Gainera,muskuiluen gonaden garapenadeterminatuzen (parametro laguntzaile moduan).