Koloratzaile organikoz dopaturiko L-zeolita antena material luminiszente gisa
Ekaia 35 : 101-118 (2019)
Scientists often find in nature the inspiration to solve their problems and challenges. As a matter of fact, photosynthesis, where solar radiation is harvested efficiently and converted into chemical energy, is an appealing bioprocess. Therefore, in the herein re-ported work we intend to mimic a therein ongoing process, and develop materials which en-able a broadband light absorption, whereas displays mainly red-edge emission. These lumi-nescent materials were designed by means of the selection of suitable organic dyes and their subsequent allocation into unidimensional pores of L-type zeolite. Such confinement boosts the energy transfer, being this a key process for energy transport and conversion. As consequence, the herein customized nanomaterial allows efficient light harvesting over a wide spectral region (antenna behavior) and, thanks to the ongoing energy transfer, fluo-rescence at the red edge is mainly recorded, with potential applications in many (bio)tech-nological areas.; Zientzialariek askotan naturan bertan aurkitzen dute inspirazioa aurrera-kuntza zientifikoak sustatzeko. Honen adibide nabaria da fotosintesian jarritako arreta bere-zia, eguzki-argia eraginkortasunez xurgatu eta energia kimikoan eraldatzeko gai den prozesu konplexua. Lan honen helburua fotosintesian gertatzen den oinarrizko prozesuetako bat imi-tatzea da, halaber, argiaren bilketaz arduratzen dena. Horretarako, eremu espektral zabalean argia xurgatzeko gai diren material fotoaktiboak garatu dira, zeinak argi gorria igortzeko berezitasuna izango baitute. Material lumineszente hauek garatzeko, koloratzaile organiko aproposak aukeratu dira L-zeolitaren nano-kanal unidimentsionaletan barneratzeko. Kon-finamendu hau ezinbestekoa da energia trukea bultzatzeko, funtsezko prozesua energiaren garraioa eta eraldaketa ahalbidetzeko. Garatutako nanomaterialak aproposak dira argia tarte espektral zabalean eraginkortasunez biltzeko (antena jarrera) eta, ondoz ondoko energia tru-keari esker, bereziki argi gorria igortzeko, hainbat arlo (bio)teknologikotan aplikagarria.