Soinua, zarata, musika: argi al daude mugak?
Ikusi/ Ireki
Urdanpilleta Landaribar, Marta
Ekaia 35 : 277-290 (2019)
Does your neighbour’s motorbike disturb you at meal? Are you not able to sleep properly because of the tavern below your flat? when you have lunch at a res-taurant, are you not able to listen to your partner, although he/she seats beside you? we would all admit that this is because of noise. Nevertheless, limits of noise are not that clear: what is music for you may be just noise for your grandma: "For God’s sake, turn off this radio, please! It only causes me a headache!"— you might have heard at your eighteens. As we will see, sometimes it is not easy to delimit the boundaries among sound, noise and music.; Zure bizilagun gaztearen motorrak ez al zaitu lasai jaten uzten? Etxe azpiko tabernarekin ezin al duzu lo egin? Ez al duzu zure bikotekidearen solasa ja-tetxe batean ulertzen, ondoan badago ere? Zaratarengatik dela ados egongo ginateke guztiok. Halere, zarataren mugak ez dira horren argiak: zuri musika iruditzen zaizuna, zure amonarentzat zarata hutsa izan daiteke. —"Itzal ezak/ezan irrati hori, arraio! Buruko mina besterik ez zidak/zidan ematen zarata horrek!"— entzungo zenuen noizbait, beharbada, gaztetan. Ikusiko dugun bezala, batzuetan ez da erraza soinua, zarata eta musikaren arteko mugak ondo zehaztea.