Pentsamenduaren psikologia
Gogoa 7(2) : 191-215 (2007)
This article aims to be a short and straightforward introduetion to the psyehology of thinking. It includes topies that are usual in this kind of works: the coneept of thinking, the history of the psyehology of thinking, and the methodologieal problems in the psyehologieal study of thinking. The seetion of eoneept deals with the features of thinking, the distinetion between direeted and undireeted thinking, and Johnson-Laird's taxonomy ofthinking. The seetion about the history of psyehology includes the controversy between Wundt and the Wiirzburg Sehool, the behaviorist and the Gestalt viewpoints, and the information-proeessing and eonneetionist approaehes to cognitjon. As regards the methodologieal problems, the points diseussed are the question of introspection and the "think aloud" method. Moreover, before these classieal topies, there is a discussion about how mueh people seem to like to think.