Claude Vandeloise: obra baten mugarriak
Gogoa 8(1) : 9-24 (2008)
Claude Vandeloise's work on space in language has contributed very significantly to the emergence and development of this semantic field. During a first period (1980-1994), the research of Vandeloise mostly focused on spatial relations. He elaborated a methodological framework for the study of spatial prepositions and brought to light the role of functional features in their semantic content. Then (1995-2007), Claude Vandeloise's interest moved towards the elicitation of the ontological properties and categories underlying spatial descriptions. This task led him to make a thorough analysis of the notions introduced in Aristotle's Physics, while comparing them with the concepts involved in spatial markers' semantics. However, these two facets of Vandeloise's work are not dissociated at all and several important issues remain the whole way along, such as linguistic diversity and relativity or acquisition of spatial terms. The paper ends with a bibliography of the works of Claude Vandeloise.