Kode-alternantzia elebidun gazteetan: DS nahasiak
Gogoa 16 : 25-56 (2017)
In this paper we present a result of the study about Basque-Spanish intrasentencial code switching. Specifically, we analyse experimental data involving code-mixed DPs made up of '"Spanish Noun + Basque Determiner'" (vestido-a '"the dress'") and '"Spanish Determiner + Basque Noun'" (la [the/feminine] atea '"door'") from young Basque/Spanish simultaneous bilinguals. The participants of the present research are 12 early young bilinguals that communicate in both languages every day.The research of the mixed DP coincides on marking the existence of morphosyntactic criterion that affects their acceptability: analogical criterion, morphophonologic criterion. (Liceras et al. 2008, Parafita et al. 2015).The results, obtained by the adaptation to Basque-Spanish from the questionnaire of Liceras et al. (2012) show: a) similar acceptability in mixed DPs D etSpanish + NBasque, el eguzki '"the sun'" and DetBasque + NSpanish, vestidoa '"the dress'"; b) a preference for the DetSpanish + NBasque which maintains the equivalent of the Spanish noun, la aulki '"the chair'" (chair=feminine) over the mixed DP where the gender of the Det belongs to morpho-phonological characteristics of the nominal element inserted, la bihotza '"the heart'" (heart=masculine) although a greater acceptance is found with mixed DPs where the analogical criterion and the morpho-phonological criterion, la atea '"the door'" (door=fem.'" coincide.This outcome shows that the acceptability of mixed DPs is restricted by the grammatical rules of the languages involved in the mixed statement.