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dc.contributor.authorGómez Zorita, Saioa
dc.contributor.authorTrepiana Arin, Jenifer ORCID
dc.contributor.authorEseberri Barace, Itziar ORCID
dc.contributor.authorPortillo Baquedano, María Puy ORCID
dc.identifier.citationEkaia 38 : 11-25 (2020)
dc.description.abstractCancer is one of the most important public health problems of the last years, due to the fact that tumour incidence has increased dramatically over the last decade. Among other factors, the dietary pattern notably influences the development of cancer, as well as obesity and its comorbidities do. They increase the risk of developing several types of cancer: thyroid, esophagus, liver, gallbladder, colon, kidney and multiple myeloma cancer in men and women, breast and endometrium cancer in women and prostate cancer in men. However, the mechanism by which obesity can induce cancer has not been widely investigated. The known mechanisms that contribute to the association between cancer and obesity are related to hormonal changes, such as insulin and insulin-like growth hormone-1 (IGF-1), or sex steroids. Not only hormones can affect cancer development, but also adipokines (leptin and adiponectin) and inflammation. In the same way, patients with obesity and cancer have a higher risk of suffering metastasis, consequently having a lower survival rate. As pre-clinical research has shown, obesity can induce metastasis in melanoma and lung cancer models. Since it has been reported a relationship between obesity and a high mortality rate in oncological patients, it is essential to use drugs to treat obesity and metabolic syndrome in cancer patients, such as metformin, thiazolidinediones and statins. Finally, it is noteworthy to mention that further research is needed to better understand the mechanisms involved in this process, and even to find biomarkers that may be useful for an early cancer diagnosis.; Minbizia egungo osasun-arazo publiko garrantzitsuenetarikoa da; izan ere, tumoreen intzidentzia izugarri handitu da azken hamarkadetan. Beste faktore askoren artean, elikadura-patroiak nabarmen eragiten du minbiziaren garapenean; hala nola, obesitateak eta haren komorbilitateek. Hainbat minbizi mota garatzeko arriskua areagotzen dute, besteak beste gizon eta emakumezkoetan tiroide, hestegorri, gibel, behazun-besikula, kolon, giltzurrun eta mieloma anitzeko minbiziak, bular eta endometrioko minbiziak emakumezkoen kasuan eta prostatakoa gizonezkoenean. Azken urteetan nahiko ikertu da obesitatea-minbizia harremanean, baina oraindik ez dira ondorio garbiak lortu erlazio hori ezartzen duten mekanismo-multzoei dagokienez. Minbiziaren eta obesitatearen arteko asoziazioari laguntzen dioten mekanismoak aldaketa hormonalekin erlazionaturikoak izaten dira, besteak beste intsulina, intsulinaren antzekoa den 1 hazkuntza hormona (IGF-1) edo sexu esteroideak. Hormonak ez ezik, adipokinek (leptina eta adiponektina) eta hanturak ere parte hartzen dute minbiziaren garapenean.Era berean, obesitatea eta minbizia pairatzen duten pazienteek metastasi-arrisku handiagoa dute, eta ondorioz, biziraupen-ratio baxuagoa. Ikerketa pre-klinikoetan ikusi ahal izan denez, obesitateak metastasia bultzatzen du melanoma eta birika-minbizi ereduetan. Obesitateak paziente onkologikoen hilkortasun-tasa altuarekin duen lotura ikusita, ezinbestekotzat jotzen da minbizia duten pazienteetan, elikadura-patroi osasuntsuarekin eta jarduera fisikoarekin batera, obesitatea eta sindrome metabolikoa tratatzeko farmakoen erabilera; besteak beste, metformina, tiazolidinedionak eta estatinak erabili ohi dira. Amaitzeko, aipatzekoa da ikerlan gehiagoren beharra dagoela parte hartzen duten mekanismoak ondo ulertu ahal izateko, eta are gehiago, etorkizunean minbiziaren diagnostiko goiztiarrerako baliagarriak izan litezkeen bio-markatzaileak aurkitzeko.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleObesitateak minbizia izateko arriskua handitzen du… Zer mekanismo daude tartean?
dc.rights.holder© 2020 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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