GIBaren kontrako tratamendua. Berrikuspen historikoa
Ekaia 38 : 97-116 (2020)
Despite its relatively recent emergence, HIV has managed to become a public health problem on a global scale and according to the WHO[1] it standed in the top 10 causes of death until 2016. When it first appeared the reaction of health systems in developed countries was slow, but HIV soon became one of the most studied viruses. Nowadays we know many of the details of its biology, its life cycle and the pathophysiology of the disease it causes: the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). This knowledge promted the pharmacological research, which, from a few compounds of limited efficacy, managed to create several families of molecules. Although these molecules are not capable to eradicate the virus, they have turned a deadly infection into a chronic disease, specially in the first world countries, where the provision of these drugs is guaranteed. The development of new drugs against HIV was arduous and it became possible thanks to the advances in molecular biology, physics and pharmaceutical chemistry that took place in the last century. However, there is still a long way to go and, although there are still many aspects of HIV to be elucidated, some deep changes in its treatment can be foreseen in the upcoming years.; Giza immunoeskasiaren birusa (GIBa) oldar sartzea nahiko berria izan arren, mundu mailako osasun- arazo publiko bihurtu da. WHO [1]-aren arabera, 2016ra arte heriotza-arrazoietan lehenengo hamarretako bat zen, eta nahiz eta haren agerpenak herrialde garatuen osasun-sistemetan erreakzio motela eragin, laster, gehien ikerturiko birusetakoa bilakatu zen. Gaur egun, haren biologiaren, bizi-zikloaren eta eragindako gaixotasuna den hartutako immunoeskasiaren sindromeari (HIESari) buruzko fisiopatologiaren inguruko xehetasun ugari ezagutzen dugu. Hau guztia ikerketa farmakologikoetara islatu da, non eraginkortasun mugatua zuten konposatu batzuetatik abiatuta, molekula-familia ugari sortu den. Molekula hauek ezin dute birusa ezabatu, baina infekzio hilkorra gaixotasun kroniko bihurtu dute; batez ere, lehen munduan, non konposatu hauen lorpena bermatuta dagoen. Molekula hauen garapena zaila izan da, eta, horretarako, teknikarik aurreratuenak erabili dira; hots, azken mendean biologiaren, fisikaren eta farmazia-kimikaren alorretan egindako goren-mailako aurrerapenak. Hala eta guztiz ere, oraindik sendabide eraginkorraren lorpenaren bidean gaude, eta GIBaren alde asko argitzeke dagoen arren, hurrengo urteetako terapeutikan aldaketa sakon batzuk aurreikus daitezke.