Actual disciplinary knowledge, perceived disciplinary knowledge, teaching experience and teacher's training for reading instruction: a study with primary Portuguese and American teachers
Ikusi/ Ireki
Lopes, Joao
Spear-Swerling, Louise
Oliveira, Celia
Velasquez, Maria Gabriela
Zibulsky, Jamie
Revista de psicodidáctica 19(1) : 45-65 (2014)
In this study, the relation between primary teachers· actual disciplinary knowledge and teachers· perceived disciplinary knowledge in three distinct areas of reading instruction (phonics. fluency/vocabulary/comprehension, and assessment/intervention), as well as the relation between teachers· experience and teachers· background with these variables is investigated. Participants inc!ude Portuguese primary teachers (n = 390) and American primary teachers (n = 390). Results show that the American teachers outperform the Portuguese teachers in a!most every item in analysis. Canonical correlation and commonality analysis show that actual disciplinary knowledge and perceived disciplinary knowledge are relatively independent constructs. Regression analyses show that actual knowledge predicts a small but significant amount of the variance in perceived knowledge. Knowledge about phonics instruction is by far the best unique predictor of teachers· perceived knowledge. The hypothesis of miscalibration (the "unskilled-and-unaware effect") between actual knowledge and perceived knowledge in the less knowledgeable teachers was also explored. However. results do not suggest such an effect in our participants. Resu!ts also show that there are significant differences between Portuguese and American teachers, mainly in the area of knowledge about assessment/intervention.