Diego Lorenzo Urkizuren 1740ko zortzikoak
Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 49(1-2) : 179-201 (2015)
Lan honetan D. L. Urkizuk idatzitako bertso-sortaren edizio kritikoa aurkeztuko dut. xviii. mendearen hasieran ez zen liburu askorik argitaratu euskaraz, eta Urkizu da garai hartan lanak kaleratu zituen egile apur horietako bat. Nolanahi ere den, Urkizuren testuak interesgarri askoak diren arren Euskal Herriko mendebaleko euskara aztertzeko, inor gutxi arduratu da horiekin. Aipatutako bertso-sortari dagokionez, bi aldiz argitaratu dira aldez aurretik (Dodgson 1901, Altzibar 1992), baina edizioek transkripzio- akatsak dituzte. Hori dela eta, lan honen helburua da akats horiek zuzentzea eta testuaren bertsio kritikoa ematea; horrekin batera, Urkizuk bere bertsoetan erabilitako euskara aztertu dut, lana osoagoa izan dadin.; In this paper I present a critical edition of some verses written by D. L. Urkizu. Not many works were published in Basque during the first decades of the 18th century, and Urkizu’s texts (a religious book and the verses presented here) are among them. Although they are particularly interesting for the study of the western linguistic variety of the Basque language, few studies have taken them into consideration. Regarding Urkizu’s verses, they have been published two times before (Dodgson 1901, Altzibar 1993), but these editions are not free from transcription errors. Thus, this paper intends to correct these mistakes and to give a critical version of the text. Moreover, in order to make this contribution more complete, I provide an analysis of the language employed in the verses.