This paper presents a process where carbon fibers and hydrogen can be recovered simultaneously through a two-stage thermal treatment of an epoxy-carbon fiber composite. For this purpose, some pieces of epoxy resin reinforced with carbon fiber fabrics have been fabricated and, after curing, have been pyrolyzed in an installation consisting of two reactors. In the first one, the thermal decomposition of the resin takes place, and in the second one, the gases and vapors coming from the first reactor are thermally treated. Once this process is completed, the solid generated is oxidized with air to eliminate the resin residues and carbonaceous products from the fibers surface. The recovered carbon fiber fabrics have been reused to make new cured parts and their electrical and mechanical properties have been measured. The results show that it is possible to obtain carbon fiber fabrics that can be processed as they leave the recycling process and that retain 80% of the tensile modulus, 70% of the flexural strength, and 50% of the interlaminar shear strength. At the same time, a gaseous stream with more than 66% by volume of hydrogen can be obtained, reaching a maximum of 81.7%.