Sexu-dimorfismoa gizakian: inplikazioak osasunean eta diagnostiko klinikoan
Ikusi/ Ireki
Gómez Zorita, Saioa
Milton Laskibar, Iñaki
Ekaia 41 : 97-108 (2021)
Sexu-dimorfismoa espezie bereko ar eta emeen arteko desberdintasun morfologiko eta fisiologikoei erreferentzia egiten dien terminoa da. Desberdintasun horiek sexu patroia material genetikora heredatu den moduaren arabera definituta egongo dira. Gaur egun komunitate zientifikoa ahalegin handia egiten ari da pertsonalizatutako zehaztasunezko medikuntza lortzeko, eta horretarako ezinbestekoa da patologia bakoitzaren kasuan sexuarekin lotura duten mekanismoak ondo ezagutzea. Era berean, sexuak gaixotasun baten sintomatologian, bilakaeran eta tratamenduarekiko erantzunean eragin ditzakeen desberdintasunak ulertzea ere garrantzitsua izango da aurrez aipatutako helburua lortuko bada. Horiek lortzen badira, patologia desberdinen prebentzio, diagnostiko eta tratamendu zehatz eta egokituagoak lortuko lirateke, kostu ekonomikoa handitu gabe, gainera. Dimorfismoak, sexuari lotutako patologiak ez ezik, sexuarekiko independenteak diren patologiei ere eragin diezaieke. Sexuari lotutako patologiei dagokienez, sexu-kromosometan adierazten da zein sexutan gertatzen diren gehien asaldurak, hemofilia edo daltonismoarekin gertatzen den bezala. Sexuari lotuta ez dauden patologia askotan, berriz, hainbat ikerketak desberdintasun handiak aurkitu dituzte horiek gizon eta emakumeetan duten eragiteko moduan ere. Esate baterako, gaixotasun kardiobaskularretan, sintoma klinikoak eta pronostikoa desberdinak dira bi sexuen artean, minbizi, hantura-gaixotasun eta gaixotasun neurologiko batzuetan gertatzen den bezala.; Sex-dimorphism refers to the different morphologic and physiologic characteristics present in subjects of the two sexes within the same species. Such differences are defined by the way in which the sex pattern has been inheritedinto the genetic material. Nowadays scientific community is making a huge effort in order to develop personalized precision medicine, and for that, understanding the mechanisms linked to sex that occur on different pathologies is of paramount interest. Similarly, it is also important to understand the potential differences that sex may exert in thesymtomatology and development of a disease, as well as the response of the patient to the prescribed treatment. If the aforementioned goals are achieved it would be possible to obtain a more precise prevention, diagnosis and treatment ofdifferent diseases. In this regard, it must be noted that sex not only affects to those pathologies that are linked to sex, but also to those that are independent of sex. In this line, in sex-related pathologies, it is defined in sexual chromosomes the extent in which each sex will be affected by the pathology, as occurs in haemophilia or daltonism. In the case of pathologies that are independent of sex, several studies have also found significant differences regarding the way inwhich such pathologies affect to both sexes. In this regard, the clinical symptoms and prognosis of cardiovascular diseases are different in men and women, as occurs with further pathologies such as cancer, inflammatory diseases or certain neurological disorders.