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dc.contributor.authorBarcena Hynojal, Iñaki Bizente
dc.contributor.authorBasurko Pérez de Arenaza, Izaro
dc.identifier.citationEkaia N. Extra : 265-275 (2021)
dc.description.abstractIn 1972 the United Nations organized the international conference “Man and Biosphere” in Stockholm with the aim of observing the socio-ecological crisis that was taking place on our planet. Since this first environmental international conference, we have known deep socio-political changes in the world, we have gone from a bipolar situation to a multipolar geopolitics and we have known the rapid process of accelerating globalization from the disappearance of the Berlin Wall to the pandemic of COVID-19, among others. Since then, in this last half century, this international organization (UN) has been a major benchmark in the center of environmental policy, both for all the State-Nations and for socio-political agents and citizens of the world.In this article, we offer a brief and critical review of the main milestones and axes of the United Nations in the last 50 years is made in the first paragraph, in the second section, we do reference to the Objective 17 of the Millennium Goals and in the third section, we analyzed the concept of Sustainable Development and the results of the associated environmental policies.KEYWORDS: Sustainable Development Goal, SDG, Alliances, Socio-ecological crisis, Environmental Policies, Ecological Debt.; Nazio Batuen Erakundeak 1972.n urtean "Man and Biosphere" nazioarteko konferentzia antolatu zuen Esto- kolmon gure planetan gertatzen ari zen krisi sozio-ekologikoari erreparatzeko. Sozio-politikoki aldaketa sakonak ezagutu di- tugu munduan garai horretatik hona, egoera bipolar batetik geopolitika multipolar batera pasatu gara eta globalizazioaren aze- lerazio prozesu azkarra ezagutu dugu, Berlingo harresia desagertu zenetik COVID-19aren pandemia etorri arte, besteak beste. Ordutik hona, azken mende erdi honetan Nazio Batuen Erakundea (NBE) ingurumen politikoen erdigunean izan dugu, erre- ferente printzipala izanik, bai munduko Nazio-estatuentzat eta bai munduko eragile sozio-politiko eta herritarrentzat ere. Ar- tikulu honetan, azken 50 urte hauetan Nazio Batuek izandako mugarri eta ardatz nagusiek errepaso labur eta kritikoa egiten da lehengo atalean, bigarren atalean Garapen Iraunkorraren 17. helburuari egiten zaio erreferentzia eta hirugarrenean Garapen Iraunkorraren kontzeptuari eta berari lotutako ingurumen politiken emaitzei begiratzen zaio.
dc.publisherServicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua
dc.titleGarapen Iraunkorra eta Nazio Batuen ingurumen politikak: 50 urteren balantze kritikoa: "Lankidetza Globala suspertu" Garapen Iraunkorraren 17. helburuaren adibidea
dc.rights.holder© 2021 UPV/EHU Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International

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