Análisis de impacto de alternativas para la financiación de las energías renovables en España
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González-Eguino, M.
García-Muros, X.
Arto, I.
Pizarro-Irizar, C.
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Cuadernos Económicos de ICE: II (104): 111-135 (2022)
This article analyzes the economic, social and environmental impact of various financing
mechanisms for the regulated costs of renewable energies in the electricity sector (RECORE) in
Spain. The scenarios analysed, alternative to the current system, in which the costs are transferred
in full to the electricity bill of final consumers, are the following: financing through the General
State Budgets (PGE scenario), financing through a tax proportional to final energy consumption
(Energy scenario) and financed through a CO2
tax in diffuse sectors (CO2
scenario). The study
uses a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model and a micro-simulation model that includes
detailed information on the 22,000 households included in the Household Budget Survey. The
results show that the impact at the macroeconomic level is positive but very small for all the
scenarios analyzed and that the changes at the sectoral level or in emissions depend notably on
the scenario. All the scenarios favor low-income households since their spending on electricity
represents a relatively higher percentage of their income. Although no alternative is better in all
the dimensions analyzed, taxes on energy or CO2
favor the energy transition, while the PGE alter native generates more progressive distributional effects.