A six-lump kinetic model for HDPE/VGO blend hydrocracking
Vela Díaz, Francisco Javier
Palos Urrutia, Roberto
Trueba Fraile, Juan David
Cordero Lanzac, Tomás
Bilbao Elorriaga, Javier
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Fuel 333(Part 1) : (2023) // Article ID 126211
A six lump-based kinetic model has been developed for the hydrocracking of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) blended with vacuum gas oil (VGO) over a PtPd/HY zeolite catalyst. The blend (20 wt% HDPE and 80 wt% VGO) has been hydrocracked in a semi-continuous stirred tank reactor under the following conditions: 400–440 °C; 80 H2 bar; catalyst to feed (C/F) weight ratio, 0.05–0.1 gcat gfeed−1; reaction time, 15–120 min; and stirring rate, 1300 rpm. The kinetic model, which is an approach to tackle the complex reaction mechanism behind the hydrocracking of a HDPE/VGO blend, predicts the evolution over time of product distribution (gas, naphtha, light cycle oil (LCO), heavy cycle oil (HCO), HDPE and coke). The kinetic model and its computed parameters have been used for the simulation of the HDPE/VGO hydrocracking establishing that a C/F ratio of 0.075 gcat gfeed−1 and temperature–time combinations of 430 °C–10 min and 440 °C–70 min are the optimal operating conditions. Under these conditions, a proper balance between the HCO conversion (>80 %), HDPE conversion (>60 %) and liquid fuel production index (>1.0) would be obtained. This kinetic model could serve as a basis for scaling-up in the valorization of waste plastics by co-feeding them to industrial hydrocracking units, within a Waste-Refinery strategy.