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dc.contributor.advisorAldezabal Roteta, Izaskun ORCID
dc.contributor.advisorGonzález Dios, Itziar ORCID
dc.contributor.authorRodríguez I Alvarez, Mar
dc.description.abstract[EN]This master thesis presents a syntactic-semantic analysis of 5 Catalan verbs of trajectory class (aconseguir (to achieve), arribar (to arrive), avan ̧car (to move forward), entrar (to enter) and sortir (to come out)) in the sport domain. The master thesis starts from the hypothesis based on the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT) (Cabr ́e, 2001; Adelstein and Cabr ́e, 2003) and the study done by Casademont (2014) about specialized uses of verbs. To perform the analysis of verbs, reliance has basically been placed on the book Clasificaci ́on verbal. Alternancias de di ́atesis (V ́azquez et al., 2000) and on the AnCora’s verbal lexicon (Taul ́e et al., 2011). The analysis has been done on the data of a sport news corpus, actually created for this study. The results of this study have shown that some verb senses appear most often in the sports domain than others, they have also shown that some specific structures exist for the sport domain and that arguments referring to the trajectory can present ellipsis for some verbs. In addition, in this master thesis, a Natural Language Processing task on event argument extraction (EAE) has been carried out too. Due to lack of resources and that the model used was not trained for Catalan, no reliable results have been achieved. (English)es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EU]Master-tesi honetan kokapen-aldaketa motako 5 aditz katalan aztertu dira kirol domeinuan: aconseguir (lortu), arribar (iritsi), avançar (aurrera egin), entrar (sartu) eta sortir (atera). Azterketa honen abiapuntua Terminologiaren Teoria Komunikatiboa (Cabré, 2001; Adelstein and Cabré, 2003) eta Casademont-ek (2014) aditzen erabilera espezializatuei buruz egindako azterketa dira. Horietan oinarrituta, aditzen analisia egiteko, Clasificación verbal. Alternancias de diátesis (Vázquez et al., 2000) liburua eta katalanezko AnCora lexikoa hartu dira oinarri gisa (Taulé et al., 2011). Azterketa egiteko, kirolari buruzko corpus bat bildu da. Azterketaren emaitzek erakutsi dute kokapen-aldaketa aditzen adiera batzuk maizago agertzen direla kirol-arloan beste batzuk baino. Orobat, emaitzek erakutsi dute, batetik, badirela kirol-arloan berariazkoak diren egitura batzuk, eta, bestetik, kokapen-aldaketa adierazten duten argumentuek elipsia izan dezaketela zenbait aditzetan. Horretaz gain, hastapeneko esperimentu bat egin da Hizkuntzaren Prozesamenduko ataza batean, ebentuen argumentuen erauzketan hain zuzen ere. Nolanahi ere, baliabide faltagatik eta erabilitako eredua ez delako katalanarentzat entrenatu, ez da emaitza fidagarririk lortu.es_ES
dc.subjecttrajectory verbses_ES
dc.subjectsport domain
dc.subjectspecialized knowledge
dc.titleAnalysing specialized use of verbs: the case of some Catalan trajectory verbs in the sport domaines_ES
dc.rights.holder© 2022, la autora
dc.contributor.degreeMáster Universitario en Análisis y Procesamiento del Lenguaje
dc.contributor.degreeHizkuntzaren Azterketa eta Prozesamendua Unibertsitate Masterra

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