Optimal location of distributed generation to reduce power losses
Ikusi/ Ireki
Barbecho Asmal, Patricio
Bedialauneta Landaribar, Miren Terese
Castillo Aguirre, Paula
2023 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power (ICCEP) : 606-611 (2023)
The efficient integration of distributed electricity generation from renewable resources requires innovation in the grid. It is necessary to develop methodologies for the planning, management and operation of the distribution network, with approaches ranging from centralized control to distributed management. To meet the challenges posed by distributed generation, it is necessary to introduce intelligence and improved capabilities into the planning, operation, and management of the grid. In order to control and anticipate the behavior of the demand and generation of renewable sources, it is essential to implement new methodologies that combine artificial intelligence tools and new computational tools. A strong and flexible paradigm to consider the various possibilities to operate the electrical network is the automation of the calculation processes of technical parameters and simulation. In this work, the results of simulations in DigSILENT are presented with an automated process with DPL commands for the optimal location of distributed generators with the objective of loss reduction.