Morphological study and photo-addressing in poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) block copolymers with azobenzene groups and polystyrene matrix: influence of chemical bonding
Fernández Salvador, Raquel
Zalakain, Iñaki
Ramos, Jose Angel
Martín Alberdi, María Dolores
Mondragón Egaña, Iñaki Bixintxo
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European Polymer Journal 47 : 1176-1185 (2011)
The main goal of this work was the synthesis of new azo-functionalized block copolymers
(BCP) from epoxidized poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) modified with azobenzene
groups by one-step facile reaction between the epoxy groups and an azo-amine. The
epoxy/amine reaction was verified by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Additionally,
we studied the effect of covalent attachment of the azobenzene moieties by analyzing
the morphology and the optical anisotropic response of the resulting azo-containing BCP,
with respect to solution mixing of the azobenzene as a guest in the BCP host without chemical
bonding. Self-assembly of all modified BCP resulted in phase-separated morphologies
on the nanometer scale. Nonetheless, segregation of azobenzene aggregates onto the BCP
surface was observed in guest–host systems. In relation to the optical anisotropic behaviour
of the resulting materials, two distinct optical responses were observed depending
on the existence or not of covalent attachment of the azo-chromophores to the BCP.