Inventive tasks for creators: resources to bring the Humanities closer to Fine Arts students
Larrinaga Cuadra, Andere
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INTED2020 Proceedings : 2532-2536 (2020)
In the curriculum of degrees linked to the Fine Arts, certain Humanities disciplines play an important role, especially the History, Theory or Pedagogy of Art. Because most of the subjects in students’ timetables develop their creative skills manually, it is a challenge for Humanities teachers to attract their attention and develop their oral and written theoretical or discursive skills.
Years of teaching experience have led us to the conclusion that making "a creative challenge" for the student as creator immediately motivates students to complete their assigned tasks as well as exponentially improves their commitment to quality. This paper will explain in detail a method that has begun to be developed in classrooms through group work, delving into the specific topic of the History of Modern Art, from Manet to the Avant Garde movements, which is common to the training offer of three degrees in Fine Arts (Art, Design and Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage). The method aims to analyse in depth the manifestos of various avant-garde movements, in order to write and present a manifesto updated for the twenty-first century.
The project is being developed with the involvement and motivation of the students. The students would not have the same level of motivation had there not been a creative outcome to the analysis of Avant-Garde manifestos. In addition, students are therefore developing written and oral discursive skills applied to their writing and presentation of their manifesto.
For the development of Fine Art students, competency in the History, Theory or Pedagogy of Art are accessory to them as creators, but essential for them as professionals. Devising tasks and assessments that continue to stimulate their creative skills can really improve their performance and competence in the Humanities disciplines with which they come into contact.