Memorandum: the necessary dialogue between secondary and university education
INTED2019 Proceedings : 3663-3667 (2019)
[ES] El texto aborda la necesidad de que exista una comunicación directa entre la Enseñanza Secundaria y la Universidad para diseñar un recorrido coherente que redunde en la calidad de la enseñanza. Analiza diversas estrategias exitosas para ayudar en ese tránsito. [EN] Background
Our teaching experience in various first-year subjects, common to different university degrees in Arts and Humanities, has led us –for consecutive years to meet students who have just finished their high school studies and have begun their university education. This has enabled us to acknowledge the gap between the skills they have acquired during high school and those expected to achieve during their time at university.
Being aware of the difference in quality that exists when starting higher education, we consider that our approach from university cannot be solely based on the fierce criticism of the level of education students currently obtain during their years at high school. Therefore, we believe that the direct dialogue with the main people intervening in secondary education both teachers and counsellors is crucial in order to approach education as a collective and coordinated project, where everyone involved plays an important role.
Using tools such as ongoing training courses for teachers and the education community offered by our autonomous region or agreeing to coordinate the university admission exams for a subject within our region, we have found that this dialogue is not only feasible but necessary.
Tools such as those aforementioned make it possible to become aware of the challenges high school teachers face when teaching subjects directly related to the topics taught at university. Likewise, in addition to the required exchange of experiences, from the university we can anticipate the guidance, tools and resources secondary teachers may need and make them aware of the challenges students will be exposed to at university to further acquire better training.