Hydrogenolysis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to produce 2,5-dimethylfuran over ZrO2 supported Cu and RuCu catalysts
Ikusi/ Ireki
Frías Arteche, Mikel
Cuezva Arin, Marcos
Agirre Arisketa, Ion
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 57(34) : 11535-11546 (2018)
Glucose dehydration to HMF and its hydrogenolysis to DMF, a suitable biofuel, have been studied using
the same catalysts for both processes. The 10CuZr catalyst shows the highest HMF yield (25.6%) with an acceptable glucose conversion (75.8%) after 1.5 h on stream. By increasing the time on stream from 1.5 to 5.5 h the HMF yield (33.2%) and glucose conversion (94.5%) are improved. In the case of DMF production, the 15CuZr catalyst shows the highest DMF yield (30%). This behavior is notably improved when Ru is added to the 15CuZr catalyst, reaching a DMF yield of 45.6%. These activity results could be related to the higher amount of Cu0 species exposed on the catalyst surface and the increase of coke resistance. Finally, the 1Ru15CuZr catalyst is used in DMF production using glucose derived HMF as raw material, and a DMF yield and HMF conversion of 16.4% and 77.5% are achieved, respectively.